Mijas chooses the joint brand with which to promote its golf courses
Another project that was put on the table in the meeting is the launch of the Municipal Golf School
Another project that was put on the table in the meeting is the launch of the Municipal Golf School
The new children’s play area of the El Esparragal park is now a reality and on the 28th it was opened to the public
The plenary session on Thursday 30th of October gave the initial green light to the regulations
The government team took another step on Thursday 30th to finalize the situation of bankruptcy of the Hippodrome
Marbella street is one of the main arteries of the nucleus of La Cala
The Fair and Congress Hall in Malaga hosted on the 29th and 30th of September
Red Cross volunteers and members of the Mijas Local Council joined, this Sunday 26th, in the campaign ‘One square metre for the beaches and the seas’
During the last 30 years the Mijas Foreigners Department has collaborated in many charity events
The funds raised by the establishment were entirely destined to the Animal Care España (ACE) association
Among them, we found on Saturday Ace Shin, Donkey Dreamland and Mijas Felina.
En el pleno celebrado hoy, el portavoz del partido y el edil de Urbanismo explicaron cómo “Ciudadanos recuperó” dichos terrenos, según apuntan, “obviados por go
Los populares afirman que no se ha tenido en cuenta su propuesta “para aumentar el presupuesto” para este programa de cara al próximo año
Se ha habilitado una nave, acondicionado e iluminado para poder llevar a cabo tanto los entrenamientos como las futuras competiciones federadas
Para participar no es necesario inscribirse previamente, es suficiente con asistir