Junta y Ayuntamiento toman nota de las necesidades de AFA Mijas
La delegada de Inclusión Social, Ruth Sarabia, y el alcalde de la ciudad, Josele González, visitan el centro de día, que atiende a enfermos de alzhéimer
La delegada de Inclusión Social, Ruth Sarabia, y el alcalde de la ciudad, Josele González, visitan el centro de día, que atiende a enfermos de alzhéimer
Entre las medidas llevadas a cabo durante el mandato de Josele González, los socialistas resaltan “la bajada de impuestos”
Esta iniciativa de fomento de la lectura de la Concejalía de Bibliotecas visitará 12 parques de todo el municipio hasta el mes de mayo
The councillor for Tourism states that national tourists accounted for almost 64% of all the visitors
The initiative, launched by the Department for Foreigners, is developed by the Aivomi association
The event, in which the Department for Foreigners collaborates, will be at La Butibamba park in La Cala
The Costurmoda sewing school in Las Lagunas, has presented its 1st intensive pattern-making course
Work has begun on the Las Coscas road and will soon be extended to other rural locations in the municipality
Fifteen youths from Mijas will receive training on this subject for one year with a salary
The mobile unit of the Transfusion, Tissue and Cell Centre in Malaga will once again be in Las Lagunas to collect blood donations
The winners were Emilio Gómez, José Antonio Lavado and Fernando Torres, with the first, second & third prizes respectively
The Andalusian government exceptionally instates this measure due to the drought
Unicaja basketball player Tyler Kalinoski has teamed up with the Domestic Animal Protection Association (PAD) in Mijas