Weather in Mijas

Martes 11/02/2025


The academy FAMA surprises with an aerial Christmas show

Las artistas aéreas actuaron con aros y telas.

Para la ocasión se instaló una estructura en la plaza del a tenencia de alcaldía de La Cala.

Los artistas fueron ataviados con motivos navideños para la ocasión.

Ejercicio con el aro.

El espectáculo contó con mucho público.

Un dúo de artistas en un ejercicio con telas.

Momento de una de las interpretaciones sobre aro.

Además de las acrobacias aéreas también hubo baile.

El grupo de artista era de chicas de entre 5 y 17 años.

Thirty-five artists took part in the performance on Monday 9th in La Cala Branch Office Square

'Christmas is coming’, with this title the FAMA Academy, directed by Manuela Veronese, offered an original show with which they surprised the public that gathered last Monday 9th, a public holiday, in La Cala Branch Office Square. Thirty-five aerial artists, from 5 to 17 years old, dressed in Christmas costumes, including elves, Santa Claus and reindeer, climbed on the structures set up in the square to “demonstrate how to fly with hoops and fabric”, explained the director of the academy, who was also in charge of the design and making of the costumes.

For the staging, Veronese had the help of the parents, who lent a hand with the transport and assembly of the structures, and the Foreigners Department of Mijas also collaborated. “We are a big family who wants to create beautiful things for our children”, explained the director of the FAMA Academy. That is what they did, giving shape in the air to a show that reminded us that Christmas is here.  


The FAMA Academy has prepared a second Christmas show, ‘Cascanueces, ¿otra vez?’, which will take to the stage of the Manuel España Theatre in Las Lagunas on Sunday 15th of December, starting at 17:00 hours. Fifty ballet students from the academy will demonstrate to the Grinch the importance of Christmas, with the help of surprise artists. The performance is for charity, the entrance fee of 7 euros will be donated to Fuensocial. 

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