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Viernes 24/01/2025


Soroptimist organises a charity event in aid of those affected by the DANA

  • Representatives of the collective have visited the affected areas to see the situation of the victims in situ
  • Durante su estancia en las localidades valencianas, las representantes del colectivo visitaron varios talleres y negocios.

The collective is preparing a solidarity jazz concert, to be held on February 23rd at the association's headquarters in Calahonda

Soroptimist International (SI) Costa del Sol reminds us that almost three months after the DANA, in many parts of Valencia the neighbours "are struggling to rebuild their businesses and their lives". The association, based in Mijas, started after the floods with different lines of support to help the victims both locally and in Valencia. "As the empowerment of women is one of our goals", said Daphne Theunissen, president of SI Costa del Sol, in a statement, "we decided to focus on women entrepreneurs. When you help a woman to rebuild her business, everyone around her also benefits".  "In addition to identifying the women who need support, we also need to find more funds and we decided that it was necessary to go to the affected area to meet the women in person and make sure that the world does not forget them", she added. 

Daphne Theunissen, presidenta del colectivo, señalando la altura a la que llegó el agua en uno de los negocios.

Daphne Theunissen, presidenta del colectivo, señalando la altura a la que llegó el agua en uno de los negocios.

Taller de una de las empresarias afectada por la dana.

Taller de una de las empresarias afectada por la dana.

Foto del antes y después de las labores de limpieza tras la dana en una de las calles.

Foto del antes y después de las labores de limpieza tras la dana en una de las calles.

Soroptimist Inernacional mostró su apoyo a las empresarias afectadas por la dana.

Soroptimist Inernacional mostró su apoyo a las empresarias afectadas por la dana.

Las responsables de la asociación mostraron su apoyo a las empresarias.

Las responsables de la asociación mostraron su apoyo a las empresarias.

Cartel promocional de la campaña.

Cartel promocional de la campaña.

Representatives of the collective visited the municipalities of Algemesí, Paiporta and Massanassa after the DANA to get to know first-hand the cases of those affected, "it is very important to listen to their individual stories and get a sense of the magnitude of the drama that has taken place and is still part of their daily lives". ‘This is not our last visit, we will help tell the story, we will ask for more support and we will make sure we live up to our goal, to stand by their side", Theunissen stressed.


To raise funds to help the victims, Soroptimist International Costa del Sol is organising a jazz concert. This will take place at the collective's headquarters on February 23rd. For those who would like to attend this event or are interested in collaborating with the Dana Project, organised by the association at national level, more information and/or donations can be obtained through the association's email address: or its website

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