Weather in Mijas

Martes 01/10/2024


The Rotary Club Mijas International organizes a training seminar

  • District 2203, to which Rotary Club Mijas International belongs, carried out more than 500 projects
  • El concejal de Extranjeros del Ayuntamiento de Mijas y miembro de este colectivo, Mario Bravo, puso en valor la labor que realiza el club.

Bravo: We meet twice a month and suggest different projects to help people in need in any area of life

The meeting, held last Saturday at the branch office in La Cala, is part of the regular meetings organised by the Rotary Club Mijas International. "The aim is to encourage participation in the clubs and make them more attractive to their members", said the councillor for Foreigners of Mijas Town Hall and member of this group, Mario Bravo (PP), who pointed out that “what we want is an orderly growth both in the number of members and in the number of activities and programmes that we carry out and that is why we are here, to receive guidelines to continue improving day by day”.

  • El Rotary Club Mijas Internacional se creó en mayo de 2017.

For his part, the governor of District 2203 Rotary (2024-25), Dimas Rizzo, stressed that information and updating "is fundamental, especially for new members". "Sometimes there are members who join Rotary without knowing the necessary information about what we do or why we are in Rotary", added Rizzo, who insisted that this organisation “is there to provide services to the community in which we live and to give back to society part of what the community has been able to give us”. The club points out that last year, for example, District 2203 carried out more than 500 projects. "We are here to fight the consequences of conflicts such as poverty and injustice", said Rizzo.

International organisation 

The Rotary Club was created in 1905 in the USA. "We could say that it is similar to the Lions Club, which is perhaps more popular and more European", explained Bravo. The Rotary Club Mijas International, to which the Mijas councillor belongs, was created in May 2017. The Rotary Club belongs to District 2203, which brings together 105 Rotary clubs from the communities of Valencia, Balearic Islands, Murcia, Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla and more than 2,200 members.

  • El encuentro, celebrado el pasado sábado en la tenencia de alcaldía de La Cala, corresponde a las reuniones que organiza periódicamente el Rotary Club Mijas Internacional

"We meet twice a month and suggest different projects to help people in need in any area of life, for example, we help food banks, Adimi, Caritas and the Red Cross, among others. We also help other associations with funds and by organising events for their benefit", explained Bravo, who concluded by stressing that “basically, what we are looking for is to improve society beyond the usual strict and rigid administrative organisation, it's not a competition but a way of working side by side". 

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