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The XXVI La Cala de Mijas Fair Golf Trophy gathers 100 players

  • It was played on a hot Sunday at the magnificent facilities in La Cala Golf

Uno de los drives iniciales de la jornada.

El concejal de Turismo, Francisco Jerez, en la entrega del trofeo al segundo clasificado de 1ª, Diego Fernández, y Robert Mitchell, Dtor. La Cala Golf.

Una panorámica del campo Asia de La Cala Golf.

Jerez, Mitchell y Helios Otero, ganador del scratch.

Perfil de una de las jugadoras del torneo.

Jerez, Loraine Enriquez Murphy, primera clasificada en señoras, y Mitchell.

Salida de una de las participantes con el hoyo, la urbanización y la montaña de fondo.

The winners were Helios Otero, in the scratch category; Steven Hunt, in first, and Loraine Enriquez Murphy, in ladies,

On Sunday a hundred players took part in the La Cala de Mijas Fair Golf Tournament, a must in the sporting programme of these festivities.

This golf competition celebrated its 26th edition and was played on the Asia course in the La Cala Golf resort, a course that presented magnificent conditions for the tournament.

The competition ended with the trophy award ceremony. In the special prizes, the longest drive were María de los Ángeles Pometti and David Wihlborg on the 13th hole. The closest to the pin was Gabriel Corpas.

The scratch winner was Helios Otero. In the ladies category: Carmen Domínguez was third, Michele Mcnamara, second and first, with 38 points, Loraine Enriquez Murphy.

In the first category, Steven Hunt, who was absent during the ceremony, was the winner.  The third classified, was Helios Otero and the second, Diego Fernandez. In the second category, the third classified was Juan de Dios Molina, the Second classified, was Juan Manuel Pérez and the first, Cristóbal Rodríguez. In the third category, third place went to Pedro Luiz Gómez, Francisco Mangas was second and Pascal Koller, with 46 points, was first.

Francisco Jerez, Councillor for Tourism (Vox), presented the trophies of this traditional competition: "despite the wind and the heat, it has been a very positive day in which 100 players have played, among them, there was a lot of female and children's participation".  For the president of La Cala Golf Club, Paco Lozano, "it is a pleasure to collaborate with the organisation, we brought 56 players from the club, and the La Cala de Mijas Fair is always a must in a course that presented magnificent conditions".

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