Weather in Mijas

Martes 11/03/2025


The Solidarity Tree Route will take place from December 8th to January 5th

  • This initiative, organised by Cáritas, is now in its eighth year, In collaboration with Mijas Town Hall & Alegría de la Huerta Andaluza Association
  • El concejal de Turismo Interior, Juan Carlos Cuevas (Vox), segundo por la derecha, junto a la organización de la ruta solidaria.

Neighbours and tourists will be able to see a total of 17 proposals for sustainable Christmas trees

From December 8th to January 5th, residents and tourists will be able to visit the Solidarity Tree Route, now in its eighth year, which on this occasion has a total of 17 proposals made exclusively from recycled material, with the funds going to the families in greatest need. One of the main novelties this year is that Cáritas is taking over the organisation of the Alegría de la Huerta Andaluza association, which is now collaborating with the Mijas Town Hall. "All the money raised will go to Cáritas Parroquial or to a project of Cáritas Diocesana", said María Jesús Moreno, a member of the organising NGO, who told a press conference about some of the locations of these solidarity trees. "The route will start at the library, and will continue through AFA Mijas, at the Juzgado de Paz, in calle Málaga, at Mijas Natural, and will end at the Plaza de los Siete Caños", said Moreno.  

On this initiative, the councillor for Inland Tourism, Juan Carlos Cuevas (Vox), praised the initiative: "I am impressed with the work they have done, and I have seen the trees and it is a very important attraction and also based on recycling", and added that "I give my sincere congratulations to all those who have participated, especially for being a solidarity initiative". 

This solidarity route once again puts the creativity and originality of the participants to the test. "There is a group of women who have taken all the wool they had out of their memory chest and have used it to make objects in crochet", said Moreno. 

Collaborate with 1 euro

People who wish to collaborate with this campaign can do so by donating 1 euro when purchasing the promotional leaflet of the initiative at the points set up by the organisation, including the Tourist Office, the Botello Chemist's and the 7 Caños parapharmacy. "I think we should take advantage of all these solidarity actions for tourism because tourists are very supportive", said Cuevas, who hopes that visitors and tourists will also "appreciate all the work that has been done", in reference to the organisation and participants. 

In this document you will find a map with the entire route and the location of each of the 17 solidarity trees taking part, as well as a window with three blank boxes for the public to vote for the three best trees. "From Caritas we take up the call to collaborate in the campaign and we take the opportunity, in these 'relaxed' times, to encourage you to participate in everything positive and beautiful that is organised in our town. It is not good to get used to having everything done for us, because if we participate we value much more what we do and we all enjoy together what we have worked for. We would like to thank everyone for their generosity in ensuring that the profits made go to those who need help in our town", says the organisation in the solidarity triptych. Once the campaign is over, on the 5th of January, all participants will be entered into a draw for gifts, which have been donated to this cause by the businesses, associations and neighbours of Mijas. 

Further information can be obtained at the Tourist Offices in Mijas (952 58 90 34) and La Cala (951 06 37 85).

Participating trees

· So Christmas is never forgotten
· The book, the best travel companion
· Natural Mijas
· Rain of flowers
· Coffee girls
· Christmas sweets
· With a lot of hope
· Musical tree
· From the choir to the pipe
· Redivus saculum
· Life
· Colours
· Spring
· Life shines
· Sustainable peace
· To the rhythm of my guitar
*To be specified (name and location)

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