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Viernes 11/10/2024


The government team claims that 99% of the surplus is already "committed"

  • The opposition parties insist that there are "millions left" in the municipal coffers

The councillor for Finance, Mario Bravo, states that the amount available from the accumulated surplus is only 160,000 euros

The government team brought a report to the plenary session today to inform about the situation of the surplus cash available as of October 31st 2023. This matter was dealt with in item 16 of the agenda, which was defended by the councillor for Finance, Mario Bravo (PP). According to the PP councillor, the data recently offered by the outgoing government team (now in opposition), in which they claimed that the accumulated surplus was almost 116 million euros "is not correct". "That was the amount that existed on December 31st 2022, and that, both in April, when the councillor for Finance committed part of that surplus for the works in progress, and in August, when that surplus was used, the amount available was 0.14%," said the popular councillor, who added that, "in other words, the money we have is committed. We can discuss whether it is well committed, whether it can be improved or not, but what we cannot discuss is its situation. Right now, this government team can dispose of 160,000 euros from the savings of all Mijeños". 

From the socialist bench, its spokesman, Roy Perez, explained that the information provided in October by the previous local government was based on an assessment of the minutes of the balance sheet left by the outgoing team and signed by the current mayoress. This showed, Pérez said, a figure of almost 116 million euros, and explained that "the surplus has been put at the disposal of the Budget during the current year, so that it can be used". "You have lied, you have said that every year we have spent all our savings, all our surplus. But lies have a very short lifespan, Mr Bravo, because when Intervention carries out the liquidation of the Budget, in February, March or April, you will run out of lies because we will see the surplus left over from 2023", concluded the socialist spokesman. 

For his part, the spokesman for the Ciudadanos Municipal Group, José Carlos Martín, who pointed out that in the eight years that his party has been part of the government team there has been a surplus, wanted to clarify certain aspects of the situation of the municipal surplus. "It doesn't mean that right now the Town Hall has no liquidity. If you go to the bank right now and ask for a bank statement of the Mijas accounts, then surely there are millions of euros in our accounts, because the commitment to spend does not mean that we have spent it", explained Martín, who insisted that "the money that is in the public accounts of this Town Hall is the cash balance which, surely, if someone wants to see it in that statement, such as any citizen, there are millions of euros". 


At this point, the government team assures that it is working to "bring order to the Town Hall" and to draw up and present the Budgets. "When you don't have an annual budget and there is no forecast, obviously these situations happen: we can't give the execution of the budget for each year and, therefore, we can't have a forecast of what has or hasn't been spent. What we do have is a committed expenditure that affects the surplus of this Town Hall", said the mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), closing this section with her speech. Bravo announced that the 2024 budget will be presented to the plenary session on the 22nd of December.

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