Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


Elena Scherbakova presents ‘Melodía de flores’ at the Mijas Tourist Office

  • Elena Scherbakova & councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín

The Russian artist is exhibiting her new collection until May 31st

“Paintings of flowers are my favourites”, said Elena Scherbakova, who is presenting her new collection entitled ‘Melodía de flores’ (Flower Melody) in Mijas, at the Mijas Pueblo Tourist Office. Eight years ago an accident changed her life and it was then that she decided to take up plastic arts, a world totally unknown to her and with which she had not even been in contact during her childhood. “I decided to take painting lessons, where I learned a series of tricks that I didn’t know, and now I am also taking ceramics lessons and I think I am good at it”, said Scherbakova. The Russian artist assured that she feels a special attraction for flowers, although she also creates abstract paintings to earn a living: “People like abstract art and it is what they buy most, that is why out of every four paintings I draw of flowers, one is abstract”, she pointed out, adding that in this way she is at peace with “her soul”.

In this collection consisting of works in acrylics and oils, she uses a technique with sand from the beach to achieve textures: “For example, I dedicate one day to sketch a flower, and then I start with the first darker layer, and then I make each new layer lighter, and the last one is used to create light”. Scherbakova, who has been living in Spain for twenty years, spends two months working on each painting and she said that when speaking of colours, she tends to use red and black: “I may start one painting, stop and start another, and when I create many layers they need time to dry, so it takes me about two months for sure”. Sensitivity of the artist The councillor for Tourism in Mijas, José Carlos Martín (Cs), who accompanied the artist at the inauguration of the exhibition, encouraged everyone to visit the collection and highlighted the special sensitivity of the painter: “Anyone who wants to visit the exhibition can do so during the opening hours of the tourist office. It is well worth getting to know this artist’s work, and we are presenting an exhibition with very attractive paintings”, he assured.

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