Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


The 'Dare to Europe' programme of the Youth Department reopens its office

  • The theme of the youth exchange is entrepreneurship
  • The youth exchange project focuses on creating entrepreneurial ideas |

The project includes a trip to Romania from the 26th of July to the 2nd of August

The Youth Department resumes the 'Dare to Europe' youth exchange programme financed by Erasmus Plus funds. The first initiative proposed is a trip to Romania from the 26th of July to the 2nd of August, which will take seven young people from Mijas to work alongside others from European countries in entrepreneurship projects.

Mijas joins this project again after the break during the pandemic. During this time, there has been no travel. The Council is reopening its European exchange office to help young people with all the formalities and procedures necessary to participate in this project.

According to the Councillor responsible for the Area, Tamara Vera (PSOE), "our facilities are already open with this 'Atrévete con Europa' link, and we hope that our young people, this year, can enjoy this type of experience. To do this,they can find all the information in our Youth Department, where young people and their families can go to find out more, as this activity aims at minors and adults.  

Youth proposes a new exchange trip, this time to Romania. Registration to participate in this exchange can be downloaded from the social networks of the municipal area or by going to the Las Lagunas Theatre office. Vera said, "we invite our young people to join this experience that deals with youth entrepreneurship".


The youth exchange project focuses on creating entrepreneurial ideas. The aim is to empower young people to design their local business ideas. Youth technician Pedro Muñoz says, "this is an activity that we are going to develop in the city of Sinaia, in Romania, in the area of Transylvania. We will have seven young people from Mijas who will live with young people from Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Italy and Romania for seven days working on entrepreneurship, with a touch of female entrepreneurship, which is also a value in the social policies of the EU".

The programme provides accommodation, food, activities and a travel allowance of 360 euros to finance flights to the city. Young people will be supervised by Mijas' monitors. They will be preparing the exchange throughout the month for the meeting.

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