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Miércoles 15/05/2024


The La Cala Lions Club celebrates the Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

Party in La Butibamba Park in La Cala |

The party featured live performances, food, and drinks typical of the United Kingdom

The Lions Club of La Cala de Mijas organised last Sunday, in collaboration with the Foreigners Department, a party in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. In the park of La Butibamba, a big event was organised with live music, food, drink stands, a street market, and lots of entertainment.

The British generally show great esteem and appreciation for their royal family and, specifically, for their Queen, Elizabeth II. On the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee, a large celebration was organised by this group to pay tribute to the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the country, and the second longest-reigning monarch in the world. The party was not only held in the UK, and Britons outside the country also celebrated the event.

One of the Lions Club volunteers, John Sharples, said: "This is a special day for us, even if we are not living in the UK. Our Queen has been doing her job for 70 years, and that's amazing. She was Queen when I was born, and I'm sure, when I die, she will still be Queen. She is our image on coins, stamps...,etc. She is important to all of us.

Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee marks 70 years since the Queen's accession to the British throne following the death of her father. At the age of 96, the monarch remains at the head of the British Royal Household, although her succession is assured with her son and grandson.

The Overseas Department collaborated in this celebration. It was attended by a large number of British and Spanish friends who wanted to celebrate this great event for their country. One of the participants, Lynne Rees, said that "this is a big party, and we have managed to celebrate it in a big way. I am happy about it, and I want to thank the Spanish people for celebrating this day with us.

British community

In Mijas, more than 9,000 British people are registered in our municipality. According to the Councillor for Foreigners, Arancha López (Cs), "Lions Club of La Cala told us they wanted to celebrate this party, and we have helped them. For them, it is a special event, and from the department, we wanted to accompany them on this great day. Mijas has one of the most important British colonies in the country".

The party had several performances as a batucada of Espacio Drang or a youth choir, which enlivened the day. The evening also became a great gathering of these Mijas residents who proudly showed their traditions, food, and typical drinks. They also raised funds with various handicrafts' tables and second-hand items for the Lions Club of La Cala de Mijas projects.

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