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Martes 24/09/2024


Cryptocurrencies, the money revolution

  • The company Motor Mijas |

There are more and more companies that are encouraged to accept payment in bitcoins and one of them is in our municipality, Motor Mijas

Did you know that 11 per cent of the Spanish population invests or has ever invested in cryptocurrencies? There are also, more and more, companies that are increasingly willing to accept payment in bitcoins. One of them can be found in our municipality. It is Motor Mijas, dedicated to the sale of vehicles. The local company has been providing service for more than 15 years, and since this week, you can buy your vehicles through Bitcoin. According to its administrator, nowadays, this type of purchase is starting to stop being traditional. "Right now, we have a new system that has been in operation for some time, but they are something unknown: cryptocurrencies. It is non-traditional money, that is it does not fall within the banking system as we know it, but it has an economic value," explained the administrator of this pioneering company, Alfredo Moreira.

Although it still generates some mistrust in many citizens, the company assures that payment with cryptocurrencies is fast and secure since all transactions are carried out, within the legal tax framework in Spain. According to Moreira, "it is also safe for the buyers as the transaction can only be made voluntarily, i.e. the customers make the payment of their own free will. It is also instantaneous, as we receive the payment as soon as it is done".

Many buyers have been requesting this type of payment, so the company has carried out a period of adaptation and training to make it viable. The process is simple. What it is, colloquially speaking, is transferring money, or bitcoin in this case, from the customer's wallet to the business wallet without any third party intervening.  

Finally, Alfredo Moreira clarified that "we understand that cryptocurrencies, i.e. bitcoin, are the money of the future as they do not depend on banks, only on users". According to Moreira, payment is "fast, secure and legal. All transactions carried out with the corresponding taxes and within the legal tax framework in Spain".

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