Weather in Mijas

Martes 24/09/2024


The Town Hall begins preliminary studies to update the Plan for Urban Development

  • The government team assures that it will draft this new document taking into account the contributions of the entire corporation, groups and citizens
  • Plenary session |

The document was adapted in 2010 and there was a revised text drafted in 2013

In the plenary session held on Wednesday the 27th, the government team reported on the beginning of the preliminary studies to update the General Plan for Urban Development (PGOU) in Mijas, in force since 1999. According to the councillor for Town Planning, Andrés Ruiz (Cs), “the revision of the PGOU has been needed for years, above all, because the urban reality of Mijas today has nothing to do with what was reflected in the planning carried out three decades ago”. Over this period, the Mijas PGOU has also had to adapt to territorial planning designs and the Andalusian Urban Planning Law (LOUA), among other regulations regarding land. The document was adapted in 2010 and there was a revised text drafted in 2013, the councillor summarized, but “it is evident that the current urban planning, which was drawn up based on the needs in place more than thirty years ago, is now obsolete and requires a new document that is modern and in line with the 21st century”. For the planning review, the local government team assures that it will apply criteria that combine the sustainability of Mijas, economic development, social balance and protection of the environment, “and that, as far as possible, counts on the participation and contributions of the rest of the corporation, groups of the municipality and the general public, as it is a very important instrument that will define the Mijas we want for the future”, said the spokesman for the Municipal Socialist Group, Roy Pérez. The spokesman for the Partido Popular in Mijas, Ángel Nozal, appealed to the rigor of this document to avoid urban speculation and favour the orderly development of the entire municipality, especially when promoting new building projects. “To ensure that streets, avenues, green zones and social areas be built before any other type of construction projects that could be carried out in an urbanisation, as has happened on occasions during these years”, he specified. The non-attached councillor in the Mijas Town Hall, Esperanza Jiménez, also insisted on the environmental importance when drafting the new PGOU, “both in terms of biodiversity, wealth in landscapes and the loss of land, without forgetting water resources, which must also be considered when it comes to urban development”.

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