Weather in Mijas

Martes 24/09/2024


Cudeca now has its first charity shop open in Mijas

  • This is the only shop that the Cudeca Foundation has in the province of Malaga that has been ceded by a Town Hall

The mayor, Josele González, at the opening of the store with members of the corporation and representatives of Cudeca.

Interior of the charity shop.

The mayor, Josele González, at the opening of the store with members of the corporation and representatives of Cudeca.

The establishment is located in La Cala de Mijas.

The property has an area of 134 square metres and is located at number 5 on the Boulevard in La Cala, next to Tolox street

Cudeca now has its first charity shop in Mijas in operation. The mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), accompanied by the councillors for Heritage, Health and Volunteering, Andrés Ruiz (Cs), Mari Carmen González (Cs) and Mariló Olmedo (Cs), respectively, as well as other members of the corporation, inaugurated the shop together with Marisa Martín, manager of said charitable organisation and other representatives and volunteers. This new shop will serve to raise funds for the non-profit Cudeca Foundation that offers specialized care to people with cancer and other advanced diseases and supports their families, completely free of charge.

“This is the only shop that the Cudeca Foundation has in the province of Malaga that has been ceded by a Town Hall, and it is something that the entity has appreciated, as it represents another step forward in the public-private collaboration that we promote from the Mijas Town Hall with organisations that perform great social work as is the case", assured the mayor, who underlined how "our administration is one of the ones that contributes the most subsidies to this entity, something that we believe is essential, as every year, Cudeca treats about 80 patients just in Mijas, 'Mijeños' and 'Mijeñas' who unfortunately are suffering from this disease and who receive health care and assistance in a particularly difficult stage in this disease”.

For his part, Ruiz highlighted "the commendable work carried out by Cudeca", assuring that "from the Heritage department an effort has been made to have all the documentation in place as soon as possible for the transfer of the premises, as it supports the social work that this type of associations carries out and is the best possible destination for municipal real estate. Especially in these cases where their actions go where the public administrations do not, and therefore all economic and social support is more than necessary”.


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