Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 18/09/2024


Art and flair at the First Meeting of Mijas Dance Schools

  • The municipal auditorium hosted this initiative of the Tourism Department, which was held on the 17th and 18th of August

Grupo de baile de la UP de Reme Fernández.

Grupo de baile de la UP de Reme Fernández.

Grupo de baile de la UP de Víctor Rojas.

Grupo de baile de la UP de Juan Jesús Leiva.

Grupo de baile de la UP de Víctor Rojas.

El público abarrotó el auditorio municipal de Mijas Pueblo.

Grupo de baile de la UP de Víctor Rojas.

Los ediles populares Mario Bravo y Juan José Torres Trella (en el centro).

La concejala popular Mari Francis Alarcón.

Academia de baile Azabache de Fuengirola.

Escuela de baile Surdígenas de Mijas Costa.

Escuela de baile Surdígenas de Mijas Costa.

Six academies offered the public a very colourful and varied show

On the 17th and 18th of August the First Meeting of Mijas Dance Schools was held. On both nights three academies took to the stage and, once again, the municipal auditorium of Mijas Pueblo was almost full on both evenings. 

The UP dance students led by Reme Fernández, Víctor Rojas and Juan Jesús Leiva performed. In addition, the dance academies Azabache from Fuengirola and the Surdígenas dance school from Mijas Costa performed. "The truth is that this is a very good initiative organised by the Town Hall. It is the first time that this meeting of dance groups has taken place, and the truth is that it is very good, it is something everyone enjoys in summertime", said Rojas. 

"I am very happy to participate with my students in this meeting and very grateful to the public that always accompanies me. I have students of all ages, like I always say, we are like a family", added Fernández. 

Along the same lines, Leiva expressed himself: "We are very grateful to the public who always come to see us, and tonight on stage they have seen a reflection of all the work we have done during the year. Above all, that my students give their all when they get on stage", said the teacher, who gives dance classes to adults, including some elderly people who have discovered dance as a way of expressing themselves. 

  • Grupo de baile de la UP de Víctor Rojas.

A colourful show

The event fused tradition and modernity, offering a variety of dances that included flamenco, Latin dance, and more modern styles, such as hip hop and urban. Artists of all ages performed, adults with a long career on the stage, but also very young artists who showed their charm.

"I started dancing with the teacher Rafi Cuevas and I started here in this auditorium. I hadn't danced here for 30 years and when I entered the dressing room I cried with emotion, for me it is very nice and very emotional to have my students here, where I started", said the director of the Azabache academy, Juan Antonio Pérez. 

"It's the first time we have danced here in the auditorium, finally, and we are delighted that Mijas, whatever the initiative, always counts on us and that dance is always present", said the director of the Surdígenas school, Natalia Villasclaras. 

  • Grupo de baile de la UP de Juan Jesús Leiva.

More than four hours of entertainment

In total, including the tow days, the show lasted more than four hours of dancing. Without a doubt, a very colourful show organised by the Tourism Department of Mijas Town Hall with the aim of promoting the schools in the area and to offer residents and visitors another attraction for the summer nights. 

"This is the culmination of a whole year of work, rehearsal and sacrifice of these schools. We can see from semi-professional seniors to young children, demonstrating all their enthusiasm for dance. Mijas is very linked to this world and I think that the UP does a great job", said the councillor of the government team Mario Bravo (PP) who attended the meeting. Popular councillors Mari Francis Alarcón and Juan José Torres Trella also attended the event. For its part, the Club Deportivo Mijas was in charge of the bar in the auditorium.

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