Weather in Mijas

Viernes 11/10/2024


The 'Junta' and the Town Hall take note of the needs of AFA Mijas

  • During the meeting, different issues were discussed, including the provision of more subsidised places for the users
  • The AFA day centre currently attends to 25 users, of which 15 have a place subsidised by the Regional Government |

The delegate for Social Inclusion, Ruth Sarabia, and the mayor, Josele González, visited the day centre, which cares for Alzheimer's patients

The territorial delegate for Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Ruth Sarabia, accompanied by the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), visited the day centre of the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's patients in Mijas this Friday to see, first hand, the service provided by the group, through its various workshops and therapies. During this visit to Mijas, the third since she took up her post as regional delegate, Sarabia also took note of the association's main needs, "because within the Autonomous Government we handle a lot of data but it is always good to put a face to the people who are in charge of the centre, the work carried out by the professionals who look after the users and, of course, the patients themselves". 

Another of the issues addressed at this meeting was the need to subsidise more places to care for Alzheimer's patients. In this regard, the delegate spoke of the places subsidised by the ‘Junta’ in the province, "where we have noticed an increase both in applications to start this assessment and the resources that are requested, and we have to address all these demands". 

  • The AFA day centre currently attends to 25 users, of which 15 have a place subsidised by the Regional Government |

The AFA Mijas day centre currently attends to 25 users, according to its manager, Mari Carmen López. Of these 25 places, 15 are subsidised by the Andalusian Regional Government and 10 are private, "that is why we need the assessments of the degree of dependency to be carried out faster and for more places to be allocated to us in order to cover the 10 that are still pending".

Collaboration between administrations
González, who was accompanied by other councillors in the corporation as well as the Secretary General for Families of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Ana Mata, expressed his gratitude for this type of meetings, highlighting in turn the collaboration and good harmony that must prevail between the Regional Government and the Town Hall in order to help social and health care groups such as this one. "This type of association goes where the administrations can't", he said, adding that "both the Andalusian government and the Town Hall must find common ground to improve the situation of those who suffer from the illness, without forgetting the families, who also endure many difficulties". 

Regarding the AFA association, the mayor said that "it is an example of willingness to help others, especially in a matter as sensitive as Alzheimer's, which unfortunately affects many people in our municipality, even at younger ages".

Similarly, the Secretary General for Families said that "in the province of Malaga there are some 26 Alzheimer's centres, and it is always good to work together to try to respond to the services they demand, as these also have an impact on citizens". 

The meeting was also attended by the socialist councillors Hipólito Zapico and Laura Moreno, and the councillors of the PP in Mijas, Mario Bravo and Marco Cortés, who asked for the AFA day centre facilities to be enlarged.

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