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Miércoles 26/03/2025


The Archconfraternity of El Nazareno presents the restoration of the statue's tunic

  • It is a piece nearly one hundred years old and of great value
  • The Maundy Thursday poster and the magazine ‘La Tableta’ were also presented
  • The group also names Dolores Cuevas as godmother of the Blessing of the Dulce Nombre
  • El hermano mayor de la archicofradía y el párroco de Mijas Pueblo con los reconocidos, los restauradores y ediles del equipo de gobierno |

The brotherhood also presents its Correón y Horquilla de Honor award to José Barranquero Tejón

The Archconfraternity of Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de los Dolores continued last Saturday 22nd immersed in its Lenten acts after celebrating on Friday the traditional presentation of medals to the new brothers and a solemn Way of the Cross. The hermitage of San Sebastián was once again the setting for the brotherhood's events, which presented the poster for Maundy Thursday, the magazine ‘La Tableta’ and handed out its Correón y Horquilla de Honor awards, as well as presenting the restoration of the statue's tunic, dated 1929. 

Almost 100 years old, the original tunic of the statue has gone through many events, including the Civil War, when the brotherhoods suffered significant losses. "It is a tunic which is, for me, the greatest heritage that this brotherhood has, apart from the powers, which were also saved in the Civil War", assured the president, Javier Martín, who praised the work carried out by the brothers for its conservation, especially by the older ones, who have always ensured that the piece does not deteriorate. "According to the restorers, it is a unique piece in Malaga and perhaps in Andalusia, and it must be cared for, respected and valued. I was telling people that it reminds me of that tunic of Jesus", said the parish priest of Mijas Pueblo, Hermán Marcel Lunar.

José María Muñoz-Poy and Rafael Aguilera, from the company Santa Conserva, have been in charge of this restoration, which has lasted almost a year and in which they have repaired all the damaged embroidery. They have also focused on slowing down the deterioration of the garment. "The province of Malaga suffered a great loss of heritage during the 20th century and this tunic is a survivor of those events and is an added value that it has, as very few examples are preserved with such an antiquity", Aguilera pointed out.

Emotional act

Devotees, neighbours and members of the corporation attended this emotional event full of recognition, among them the deputy mayor of the Mijas Town Hall, Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson (Vox): "I can only thank the brotherhood for the great work they do because it is spectacular, it is something so beautiful, ours, so I congratulate them warmly for the work they do".

The event, which was conducted by the secretary of the archconfraternity, Carlos Caravias, opened with the unveiling of the poster for Maundy Thursday by the parish priest and the president. Ainhoa Leiva was in charge of presenting the poster by José Carlos Gil Torres, centred on the image of the Virgen de los Dolores. 

One of the most applauded moments was during the presentation of the Correón y Horquilla de Honor award to José Barranquero Tejón, who was president from 1989 to 1998. Martín pointed out that "Pepe in the nineties was the soul of the brotherhood", he used to say 'we have to do this', he worked for it and made us all accomplices". The current president pointed out that he did all kinds of activities, from fritters to trips, "to be able to conserve and increase the heritage of this brotherhood". 

In addition to José Barranquero, Dolores Cuevas Madueño, who was named Godmother of the Blessing of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús, which will take place on the 11th of May, also took part in the event. "I think they appreciate me because I have been in the brotherhood for many years. Since it was re-founded, we have been working for many years. I was the president for a while and I still continue to do my bit because I appreciate this brotherhood and they appreciate me a lot", said Cuevas after the event, which also saw the presentation of the magazine 'La Tableta'.

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