Weather in Mijas

Jueves 27/03/2025


Poetry Day in Mijas: young people give voice to the verses of local poets

  • The Town Hall commemorates the event with the activity ‘Verses with soul’ organised by the Culture Department
  • In addition to the reading of poems, the event included the projection of videos and musical entertainment by the Trio Nueva Arcadia
  • Los escolares han sido los encargados de leer los poemas de los escritores locales.

More than 300 students from three secondary schools in Mijas took part in the recital held on Friday 21st at the Manuel España Theatre

Mijas commemorated on Friday 21st World Poetry Day. It did so with the activity ‘Verses with soul’, held at the Manuel España Theatre and organized by the area of Culture. An event in which local poets and more than 300 students in the 4th year of ESO from three secondary schools in Mijas participated. If there is a literary genre that offers a space for beauty and aesthetic feeling through words, that is poetry. The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), also participated in the event by reading the verses written by the local writer Cristina Núñez. "We want young people to acquire this knowledge and take note of the importance of reading and, in particular, of poetry, through which they can convey their feelings. In out technological era, we sometimes forget how to face a notebook and write down our feelings", said the mayoress.

  • La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, y el edil de Cultura, Juan Carlos Maldonado, junto a los poetas participantes.

Poetry recital 

During the event, twelve students from the secondary schools Vega de Mijas (Valentina Ifran Ayeb, Alba Molina, Edith María López and Michael Marín), Las Lagunas (Elisanda Torres, María Peña, Alba Morales and Nur Pérez) and Sierra de Mijas (Candeal Andreu, María Gómez, Lucía Vitaliano and Nashla Rubí) recited the poetry of six local poets: Abraham Valle, Josefa Cuevas, José Moreno, Ana María Sánchez, Francisco Flores and Cristina Nuñez. Thanks to this event we have been able to see that, despite the fact that poetry is a genre that can be related more easily to other times and audiences, young people still enjoy reading poems. 

Poetry and Culture 

The councillor for Culture, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), on the commemoration of World Poetry Day, said that "in Mijas we are committed to culture, literature and, in this case, poetry, we do it with this day, which has been very participatory, with the idea of bringing this exciting genre to the youngest. We also have a stand in the different libraries promoting poets, where bookmarks have been handed out", the councillor concluded by pointing out that “from the department we continue to work so that our local poets have opportunities”. 

The event was enlivened with music by the Trio Nueva Arcadia and included a ballet piece performed by Ari, the young girl danced to the rhythm of the verses recited by her father, the literary Abraham Valle. 

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