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Miércoles 23/10/2024


Solidarity breakfast to fight against breast cancer

  • The Idiliq Foundation expects to exceed the 12,000 euros raised in 2023
  • All funds will be donated to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC)
  • Marea rosa visibilizando la lucha contra el cáncer de mama.

From the Mijas Town Hall they placed special emphasis on the importance of prevention

On the occasion of the International Day Against Breast Cancer, which is commemorated on the 19th of October, the Idiliq Foundation has organised a series of initiatives to raise funds, including a solidarity breakfast, which took place on Friday 18th of October, with the participation of members of the municipal corporation and 300 employees of Idiliq Group and volunteers from the NGO. Everyone wore a pink T-shirt to make this fight visible. "I can only congratulate this great family that not only today, but every day demonstrates its enormous solidarity with the citizens. Behind every pink t-shirt we find our volunteers, who offer their time, dedication and effort to make our campaign a success", said the president of Idiliq, Juan Miguel Marcos

For eight years now, the Idiliq Foundation has been promoting this initiative in October; last year it raised 12,000 euros which went to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, funds which are destined for the research of this disease. As Marcos pointed out, they expect to raise more funds this year.


  • Vista de dron de la marea rosa visibilizando la lucha contra el cáncer de mama.

"If there is no research that can improve the results of the treatments and, later, the patient's life, we would do nothing, that is why this initiative is very important for us", said the president of the AECC in Mijas, Lola Sanchís, who pointed out that the association offers a series of services such as "psychological support, to help and emotionally support people who are ill, physiotherapy sessions and workshops, among others. All of these services are free of charge".

Hernán Lara, the coordinator of the Foundation's volunteers, also emphasised that "the volunteers are the best thing the Foundation has to offer, apart from the income and what is obtained from the different actions".

  • Marea rosa visibilizando la lucha contra el cáncer de mama.

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), accompanied by the councillor for Social Inclusion, Melisa Ceballos (PP), and other members of the government team and the municipal corporation did not hesitate to support this activity, thus joining the pink tide of the Idiliq Foundation. "I believe that we must always make an effort to make visible the importance of prevention, as more and more research is being carried out in the fight against breast cancer", said the mayoress. 

  • En el centro, la alcaldesa de Mijas, junto al presidente de la Fundación Idiliq y la presidenta de la AECC.

For her part, Ceballos stated that "once again this year we are supporting Idiliq, which organises these events, which are magnificent because they raise a lot of money and, above all, because of the involvement of the group's workers, who contribute their bit every year".

The spokesman for Vox, Francisco Jérez, said that more resources still need to be allocated to cancer research: "Not enough is invested in research. Breast cancer not only affects women, but society as a whole, because when it affects a person it also affects their family environment, their partner, their children... cancer must be tackled and, especially in the case of breast cancer, prevention is important".

  • Desayuno solidario contra el cáncer de mama.

Juan Carlos Maldonado, spokesman for PMP in the Mijas Town Hall, pointed out that "companies and foundations such as Idiliq, reach places and people that the administration cannot reach".

Finally, the PSOE councillor, Hipólito Zapico declared that "fortunately research, and that is what this type of event is for, is progressing, and the rate of people who recover from breast cancer is increasingly higher, which is magnificent news"

  • Marea rosa visibilizando la lucha contra el cáncer de mama.

According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, around 35,312 new breast cancers were diagnosed in Spain in 2023, according to estimates by the Cancer Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, which represents almost 30% of cancers diagnosed in women.

It is the most common cancer and the one that causes the highest number of deaths in the female population in Spain. However, it should be noted that, thanks to population screening programmes, many of these tumours are being diagnosed at an early stage, which allows for more effective treatments.

  • Trabajadores y voluntarios de la Fundación Idiliq.

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