Weather in Mijas

Martes 08/10/2024


Everything ready for the start of the III Las Lagunas Tapas Route on October 19th

  • The Bar Gaby hosted on Friday 4th the presentation of this initiative of the Commerce Department and the Federation of Associations of Mijas
Cargando el reproductor....

Ten establishments are taking part this year in this initiative, which will offer tapa and drink for 3.50 euros on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Chicken droplets, Iberian ham tartar, 'marriage' and sweet proposals such as a 'croigofre' and sweets from the 40s onwards are some of the proposals included in the III Las Lagunas Tapas Route, which is now ready. It will take place from the 19th of October to the 30th of November. On this occasion, 10 establishments are taking part. All of them presented their tapas on Friday 4th at Bar Gaby, winner of the last edition. 

With this initiative, from the Department of Commerce "we want to work so that Las Lagunas becomes an important gastronomic destination, with the collaboration of all the establishments and also with the Federation of Associations (FA) of Mijas, which is very active", said the councillor of the area, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), during the presentation of the route.  

Diez establecimientos participan este año en la Ruta de la Tapa de Las Lagunas.

Diez establecimientos participan este año en la Ruta de la Tapa de Las Lagunas.

Tras la presentación de las tapas, los asistentes tuvieron la oportunidad de degustarlas por primera vez.

Tras la presentación de las tapas, los asistentes tuvieron la oportunidad de degustarlas por primera vez.

Tarta sacher de la Panadería Las Torres.

Tarta sacher de la Panadería Las Torres.

Tapa matrimonio del Bar Casa El Abuelo.

Tapa matrimonio del Bar Casa El Abuelo.

Tapa Rulo sobre rulo del Bar Gaby de Las Lagunas, ganador de la tapa 2023.

Tapa Rulo sobre rulo del Bar Gaby de Las Lagunas, ganador de la tapa 2023.

Tapa croigofre de La Cetalería, una de las propuestas dulces de la ruta.

Tapa croigofre de La Cetalería, una de las propuestas dulces de la ruta.

La tienda de golosinas Circo participa este año por primera vez con una bolsa de chuches.

La tienda de golosinas Circo participa este año por primera vez con una bolsa de chuches.

El Restaurante La Picada propone la tapa Flamenco.

El Restaurante La Picada propone la tapa Flamenco.

Gotitas de pollo es la propuesta de La Biznaga.

Gotitas de pollo es la propuesta de La Biznaga.

El Rincón de Carmen presenta un tartar tropical.

El Rincón de Carmen presenta un tartar tropical.

La jamonería Corte de Autor participa por primera vez con un tartar de jamón ibérico.

La jamonería Corte de Autor participa por primera vez con un tartar de jamón ibérico.

Las Tablinas presenta un Montadito de oro.

Las Tablinas presenta un Montadito de oro.

Tapas and drink for 3.50 euros

Participants in the route will be able to enjoy a tapa and a drink for 3.50 euros, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 13:00 to 15:30 hours and from 19:30 to 23:30 hours. "This year there are some magnificent tapas on the route, they all look incredible, so I encourage everyone from Mijas and neighbouring municipalities to come to the Las Lagunas Tapa Route, as they have done in previous editions, because every year the establishments get better and better", said the president of the FA, Charo Cortés. 

Ten participating establishments

The bars El Abuelo, Gaby, La Picada, El Rincón de Carmen, La Biznaga and Las Tablinas are taking part in the third edition of the route. Also taking part for the first time are the ham shop Corte de Autor, the ice cream parlour La Celatería and the sweet shop Circo, and repeating for the third time is the bakery Panadería Las Torres. Customers who take part in the route will be able to fill in a 'tapaporte', passport of tapas, every time they visit an establishment and if they visit seven they will be able to take part in a draw, which includes among other prizes a travel voucher worth 500 euros. The tapaportes must be presented at the library of the Manuel España Theatre in Las Lagunas. 

Making neighbourhood

"We are happy with our participation in the tapa route", said Mirelys Caballero of Bar Gaby. "Last year many people participated, not only from Las Lagunas but also from other areas and many foreigners. We hope that this year the route goes better because there is always something that can be improved", she added. By the way, this establishment, winner of the 2023 edition of the tapa route, this year presents its ‘Rulo sobre rulo’, a pork roll stuffed with spinach and bacon, with a sauce of piquillo peppers, parsley and basil, on boiled potato and caramelised onion, explained Caballero.  

Fernando López, one of the owners of the Bar Casa El Abuelo, expressed himself in the same vein: "Above all, we are happy to see that the locals like to participate and enjoy our bar. As for our proposal, this year we are presenting a very fresh tapa, ‘Matrimonio’ (marriage),  with anchovies cooked in different ways on a bed of roasted peppers".

Those who are taking part in this route for the first time also value this initiative. As Nayara Ortiz, from the Jamonería Corte de Autor said: "It's our first year on the route, we're really looking forward to participating and we're eager to present our tapas".

"This is the first year that we participate in the tapa route and we do it with an assortment of old sweets from 1941 onwards. We have prepared a bag valued at 5 euros, but it will cost 3.50 euros, which is the price each the tapa on the route. The truth is that we are very happy with the welcome and the affection we have received in our first year in Las Lagunas", said Alberto Ortega, from the Circo de Las Lagunas establishment.

Sweet proposals

The ice cream parlour La Celatería, which is making its debut on the route, is also offering sweet treats. "We were invited to take part in the route and here we are. This tapa route gives us the opportunity to reach more people. People know that we have ice creams, but in winter we also have waffles, crepes and a lot of other sweets . As for our tapa, we are introducing something new and innovative: a 'croigofre'. It is a waffle with ‘croissant’", Javier Solito explained. 

Finally, loyal to the tapa route from the beginning, the Las Torres Bakery. According to its representative, Ana Rodríguez: "The truth is that our customers are loyal to us and to our tapa, there are people who keep coming back and even order our cake". 

Promoting local commerce

In short, the III Las Lagunas Tapas Route is being presented once again this year with the aim of boosting the establishments in a season that is usually less busy. "With public-private collaboration we want our businesses to continue with a fairly high level of activity in the low season, after the summer", concluded Maldonado. 

By the way, do you like chocolate? This year Las Torres Bakery is presenting its sacher cake. "We made it in the first edition of the route and it was a great success. It's a very tasty cake, and for those who really like chocolate, it's addictive", said Rodríguez  laughing. This is what the tapas route will be like, an opportunity to taste all kinds of flavours at a very affordable price.

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