Weather in Mijas

Jueves 19/09/2024


The parish priest Hermán Marcel Lunar takes office in the church of the Inmaculada

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The priest Francisco Villasclaras gave him the keys of the church during the mass

Hermán Marcel Lunar has been the new parish priest of the church of the Inmaculada in Mijas Pueblo since Thursday 12th, after the retirement of Francisco Villasclaras. Originally from Venezuela, this parish priest comes from Pizarra, where he has been in charge of the San Pedro Apóstol church. On Thursday, a large number of parishioners from this municipality joined him at his inauguration in Mijas. Hermán Marcel did his seminary studies in Málaga, where he has been working for 21 years in different parishes such as Pizarra, Gibralgalia and Azalea. Coincidentally, he was ordained priest in 2010 in front of the Virgen de la Peña together with three other new priests. "To tell when you felt God's calling, that's a love story that you don't know when it began or when it ends, all you know is what you feel. In my village we had some missionary sisters who helped us a lot in our faith and awakened that connection with God and the church", Lunar said. 

  • Hermán Marcel Lunar estuvo arropado por sus feligreses de la localidad de Pizarra, donde ha sido sacerdote durante seis años.

Born on a small island in the Caribbean, the island of Coche, he studied in Kumaná, where he met Manuel Fernández Martínez, a priest in Málaga who has been his spiritual guide. Hermán Marcel Lunar is clear about his work in Mijas. "The church is not dead, the church is alive and it will adapt to the situations and the times, although of course we cannot renounce the traditional things of our life and the traditions of the people, I am very respectful of the traditions of the people", Lunar affirmed. 

  • También acudieron al acto responsables de diferentes hermandades de Mijas.

Very well supported

He has worked in Pizarra for six years, a town of which he has fond memories, he said. The government team wanted to welcome him during his first mass at the Inmaculada. The mayoress of the town, Ana Mata (PP), will organise meetings with the new priests to work together to help people in need.  "He asks us to be patient, that he comes with great enthusiasm with the challenge a community, family, and union in order to achieve the best for the municipality", said the mayoress. 

The socialist councillor Laura Moreno welcomed the new parish priest on behalf of the socialist municipal group and thanked Francisco Villasclaras for his work, highlighting the help that this priest gave for 24 years in Mijas to the people who needed it the most,

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