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Miércoles 18/09/2024


More than 7,000 children from Mijas start the academic year 2024/2025

  • Tuesday was an opportunity to get back in touch with teachers and classmates, and to take stock of the summer
  • Vuelta a clase en el CEIP San Sebastián.

This figure is slightly lower than last year, pointed out the councillor for Education, Melisa Ceballos, due to the drop in the birth rate.

In Mijas, more than 7,000 children started the new academic year on Tuesday 10th, children in the second stage of Pre-school and Primary Education. Las Lagunas has received the largest number of children, some 4,800, followed by La Cala, with nearly 2,000, and Mijas Pueblo, with almost 400.  

This first day was a good opportunity to get back in touch with teachers and classmates, and to find out what the coming months are going to be like. In general, students were happy and excited about going back to class, eager to learn and to meet up with friends, at least those who were waiting on Tuesday at the entrance of CEIP Las Cañadas, in Las Lagunas. "I was really looking forward to the start, especially to see my old friends again, but also because I'm going to meet new ones", said Brianny González, as was Sara Jurado, who said she was very happy to be back at school "because I love it". Although some of them feel that the holidays have been too short, that is the case of Alfonso Moreno who was less enthusiastic but optimistic "I really enjoy learning", he said. 

Nerves have marked this first day of school, and not only among the little ones, parents and grandparents were also nervous to say goodbye to their kids, who started a new stage in their lives. "I am very nervous, my three children studied here and now I am here with my grandchildren", said Susana Cueto.

  • El descenso de la natalidad también ha bajado la cifra de alumnado.

The elder siblings, who will start secondary school next week, also accompanied their siblings on this special day and said to be very nervous about the beginning of secondary school. This was the case of Aitor Cabello, who said that “I am a bit nervous and sad to be here, because I know I will miss the teachers and my classmates”. 

The first day of school began with a brief review of the summer holidays, which have been full of moments at the beach and the swimming pool. “I've been to the beach, the water park and the swimming pool", summed up Brian González. For her part, Marina Calderón, a mother at this school, said that “long holidays are not good, neither for the children nor for the parents, because there comes a point when they are bored and think that we have nothing to do, but parents have other obligations”. 

But now it's time to get back into the routine, to organise our schedules and to make new resolutions. Because, for many, the new year begins in September. 

Slight decrease in the number of students enrolled 

The councillor for Education of the Mijas Town Council, Melisa Ceballos (PP), also came on Tuesday to CEIP San Sebastián in Mijas Pueblo to wish a good start to the school year to the entire educational community. “We have noticed a slight drop in the number of students due to the decline in the birth rate that we are registering in recent years, not only in the municipality but in Spain as a whole”, said the councilor, who also took the opportunity to highlight and thank " the work carried out by the staff of the education department who has been working to optimise all the educational centres, also with the help of the caretakers. The work included minor maintenance, bathroom repairs and, above all, painting". 

As for the start of the new academic year, the San Sebastián school points out that this first week is usually relaxed, with more pleasant activities and no homework, so that students, especially the younger ones, can adapt to certain changes. 

According to the head of studies at this school, Laura Roja, "this week is for students who change tutors, who are new, who go from pre-school to primary school, so that they can adapt to the new situation", although she affirmed that the children "adapt very quickly to these changes". Finally, she wished all the children a "happy new year, in which they enjoy and learn a lot". 

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