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Miércoles 18/09/2024


The Mijas Fair 2024 bids farewell with flamenco

Rebujitos llena la caseta municipal con su directo.

El viernes habrá feria de día desde las 14:00 hasta las 20:00 horas.

La orquesta al fondo con las mesas a la hora del almuerzo.

La feria, ambientada a las dos de la tarde, buen ambiente.

Mario Bravo y Daniel Gómez Teruel, concejales del equipo de Gobierno disfrutando de la compañía de los vecinos.

Juan Carlos Maldonado compartiendo con la familia Aguilera.

Las barras que dan servicio a la feria de día, Las del Nazareno, Cristo de la Paz y Club Deportivo Mijas.

La Policía Local pendiente del apartado de seguridad de la feria.

Ciudadanos también subió a La Muralla para disfrutar de la jornada.

Un grupo de turistas mexicano comprobando las virtudes de esta fiesta diurna.

Las familias y los niños, claves de la Semana Grande de Mijas.

Rebujitos llena la caseta municipal con su directo.

Rebujitos llena la caseta municipal con su directo.

Mijas ya tiene a sus reyes infantiles: Germán Mota y Cloe Sánchez fueron los elegidos.

Joni Macarroni hizo viajar a Marte a los más pequeños con su espectáculo.

Joni Macarroni hizo viajar a Marte a los más pequeños con su espectáculo.

Ambiente familiar en el recinto ferial.

Amplio dispositivo de seguridad para estas fiestas.

Los coches de choque, una de las grandes atracciones.

Ambiente familiar en el recinto ferial.

Los Tumbaos nos atendió antes de ofrecer su concierto.

Los Tumbaos cierran la noche del viernes en la Feria de Mijas con su flamenco fusión.

Los Tumbaos cierran la noche del viernes en la Feria de Mijas con su flamenco fusión.

Los más marchosos se han refugiado en los toldos de calle Málaga |

Arcángel en un momento del concierto

Music, entertainment and attractions were not missing at this fair

After six days of festivities, on Monday 9th, the last fair of the year in the municipality came to an end. The election of the king and queen, the celebratory dinner for the elderly, the unexpected rain and the day fair at La Muralla are some of the highlights of these festivities, which began on Wednesday 4th of September.

Wednesday 4th

On Wednesday the Mijas Fair 2024 began with the Giants and Cabezudos (Big-heads) parade, which was enlivened by music and shows and also had the participation of the local children who registered during the afternoon. During this first day, the children were the protagonists and were able to enjoy the rides at a reduced price, 2.5 euros per ride. In the evening, the mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata, made the traditional ribbon cutting and switched on the artistic lighting, thus inaugurating the fairground together with the government team, the board of festivities, local authorities, groups and neighbours. Later on, the Municipal Booth hosted the ceremony of the king and queen of the Mijas Fair 2024, in which Vidal Pagés Blanco was elected king, and Nuria de Rechter queen. Finally, the young girl from Sevilla, the singer Marta Santos rounded off the first day of the fair with her performance. 

Thursday 5th

On Thursday the day fair was inaugurated in the gardens of La Muralla. The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), together with other members of the government team, the king and queen of the fair, members of the board of festivities and different groups, was in charge of cutting the ribbon at two o'clock in the afternoon, giving way to the party in this privileged location of the town, a party that started with the performance of the group A compás and that invited all neighbours and visitors to dance and have a good time. 

In the evening, the celebration was dedicated to the elderly, more than 300 residents enjoyed the tribute dinner offered by the Town Hall through the Senior Citizens and Festivities Departments. As well as food, there was music and dancing, and the grandmother and grandfather of the fair were chosen by lottery, with Francisca Ramírez and Julián Mata winning these titles. The evening closed with the performances of La Caletera and Manuel Orta. 

Friday 6th

On Friday the fair continued during the day at La Muralla, with food, good atmosphere and musical performances by Trenzaos and Alejados. In addition, from 4 to 8 p.m., there was a playroom service so that children could also have a good time. In the evening, the Municipal Booth hosted a performance for children at 9 p.m., the election of the children's king and queen at 10 p.m. and the performances of Rebujitos and Los Tumbaos, to round off the day. 

Saturday 7th

Although it was not expected, on Saturday, the protagonist of the fair was the rain. The forecast predicted light rain, but at mid-morning, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) activated the yellow alert for thunderstorms from 2pm until midnight, which led to the cancellation of the show scheduled for that night, ‘LaLoka on tour’ by Melody, Rasel and Sara de Las Chuches.

Despite the rain, some of the activities planned could take place, among them, the I Mijas Fair Chess Tournament, the traditional family bike route and the different games organised in La Muralla. At mid-morning, there was also the ringing of bells and fireworks display announcing the big day of the patron saint, the Virgen de la Peña. Shortly after, the day fair began, enlivened by the music of Mr. Proper and El Callejón.

In the afternoon, uncertainty took over the fairground as it started to rain, however, Mijeños and visitors decided to move to the different places covered by tents to continue enjoying the night in spite of the rain. Some of the attractions continued to offer their services as well as the booths. Without a doubt, it was an unexpected but unforgettable night.

Sunday 8th

After the rain, the fair went back to normal on Sunday. The day fair was animated by the groups Repicando and Indiana and in the evening, the group Ziryab performed in the Municipal booth. 

Monday 9th

After enjoying the big day of the patron saint, on Monday 9th September it was time to say goodbye to the Mijas Fair 2024 in style after, six days of music, entertainment and attractions.

At mid-morning the day fair began in the gardens of La Muralla where the music group Olivetti made young and old alike dance. Later, at about 5pm, the Department of Festivities and Traditions offered fritters with chocolate and the ‘marchoso’ and ‘marchosa’ of the fair were chosen, this year the lucky ones were Santi Moreno and Paco Romero.

On Monday, the running of the inflatable bulls also took place, and in the evening, Arcangel and Israel Fernandez performed at the Municipal Booth. A farewell full of joy, art and flamenco... 

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