Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 18/09/2024


The ‘Don't miss out on reading in summer' campaign ends with a big children's party

  • Almost 130 children took part in this initiative promoted by the Libraries department to encourage reading during the holidays
  • El resort Wyndham ha cedido sus instalaciones durante dos días para desarrollar esta jornada lúdica.

82 children from the municipality overcame the challenge of reading 12 books during the months of July and August

A big children's party with games, workshops and a swimming pool closed the ‘Don't miss out on reading in summer' campaign, organised by the Libraries department to encourage children to read during the holidays. In its 22nd edition, 128 children between 6 and 14 years of age took part in the initiative, of whom 82 achieved the objective of reading 12 books during the months of July and August. "It has been a success in terms of participation and also in the educational aspect of the children, because reading 12 books during the summer is not easy, and not only that, but they have also handed in summaries of what they have read and have expressed their feelings", said the councillor for Culture, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), who also pledged to continue promoting activities of this type so that "children never lose their interest in books".

For his part, the head of the Mijas municipal library, Antonio Pino, added that "for some years now we have also been working so that, through this campaign, children get to know the municipality and, this year specifically, the different cultural spaces that Mijas has, so we decided to include among the rules that participants should take six photos or selfies in these places, two in each urban centre of the municipality, for example, in the Folk Museum, the Las Lagunas Cultural Centre and the library in La Cala". 

As a prize, and thanks to the collaboration of the Idiliq Foundation, the winners enjoyed a day of fun and games at the Wyndham complex. There were craft workshops, sports activities, swimming pool and even video games, all to celebrate the adventure of reading. "We have many employees with their children and we are very aware of how important reading is for them, and also for our customers, in fact, we have a library in our facilities with books in English and Spanish, and many of them for children. So when Antonio Pino suggested, a few years ago, the possibility of promoting reading with a fun prize, we thought it was interesting and decided to join the campaign", said Juan Miguel Marcos, president of the foundation. 

  • El edil Juan Carlos Maldonado (derecha) y el presidente de la Fundación Idiliq, Juan Miguel Marcos, han saludado a los menores participantes.

During the day we found out what are the children's favourite topics when it comes to choosing one book or another, and at what time they prefer to read during the summer. Laura Santana said she reads "a lot of mystery stories, because I like to discover what will happen next and who the guilty character is, but I also read a lot of books about gender equality, because they are beautiful and they talk about the lives of women who were important". 

Lucas Benjumea was more interested in comics "because they are fun and have lots of drawings, and in the summer, I read in the afternoon when I'm at home, and I think it's important to read, because you learn a lot". 

Learning, stimulating our imagination, boosting curiosity, encouraging reflection and putting ourselves in the shoes of the characters... The benefits of reading are many and are essential for our daily lives, in summer and at any time of the year. 

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