Weather in Mijas

Lunes 30/09/2024


The 'Mancomunidad' treats 1,500 tonnes of seaweed collected in Mijas from April to July

  • Once mixed with the pruning, a quality compost is obtained, which is then given to the municipalities of the Mancomunidad
  • Playa El Charcón, en Mijas Costa, esta mañana.

The Costa del Sol Environmental Complex, where the local councils deposit this waste, received more than 7,200 tonnes of this marine waste during these months

The Association of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol received in the Costa del Sol Environmental Complex, which is managed by the company Urbaser, more than 7,200 tonnes of Asian seaweed between April and July, of which about 1,530 tonnes came from the coast of Mijas, while the rest was accumulated in the municipalities of Estepona (2,769 tonnes), Marbella (1,964), Casares (496) and Manilva (469). 

In this regard, the president of the Association of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol, Manuel Cardeña, recalled that these algae, "which are causing so much damage to our coasts, are being treated together with the organic waste collected selectively and the pruning to obtain a quality compost, which will be given to the municipalities of the Association. These, in turn, will be able to use this material to fertilise green areas and gardens in the municipalities, thus achieving full circularity of this waste".

Each municipality has established collection points for the algae in their municipalities, which are then transferred to the Costa del Sol Environmental Complex. "This innovative management of invasive algae has reduced the cost of disposing of this waste by 50 percent", Cardeña pointed out, since the cost of bringing this material to the Complex was reduced from 85.93 to 42.94 euros per tonne, as it is considered to be dirty plant waste.

"We know that, for the municipalities, the collection of these large quantity of seaweed is generating a serious problem and is forcing them to allocate more machinery, personnel and budget to cleaning the beaches. The essence of our Mancomunidad is to try to find joint solutions for everyone. So we are still working to minimise the negative effects of this invasive algae", said the president.

"We know that, for the municipalities, the collection of these large quantity of seaweed is generating a serious problem and is forcing them to allocate more machinery, personnel and budget to cleaning the beaches. The essence of our Mancomunidad is to try to find joint solutions for everyone. So we are still working to minimise the negative effects of this invasive algae", said the president.

Finally, Cardeña called on the central government "to assume its responsibilities and develop measures to solve this serious environmental and public health problem. It is not only the Costa del Sol that is affected, in areas such as the eastern part of the province of Cadiz the situation is becoming unsustainable. This algae is an invasive species and the State must take measures to eradicate it and solve the problem, instead of having local authorities spend public money and resources on cleaning the beaches".

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