Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 18/09/2024


Mijas takes the first steps to change the General Ordinance on Subsidies

  • With the modification of this regulation, the Town Hall aims to simplify and clarify the procedures for the granting of public aid
  • Imagen reciente de una reunión entre el departamento de Participación Ciudadana y colectivos de Mijas.

The Department of Citizen Participation has promoted a consultation so that the groups of the municipality can make their proposals on this matter

The Mijas Town Hall is working on a new General Ordinance on Subsidies and, as established in article 133, the first step to modify this regulation is to promote a consultation with the citizens so that they can propose ideas or issues that can be included in the draft of this text. This was explained this Tuesday by the councillor for Citizen Participation, Silvia Marín (PP), who also indicated that "these proposals can be sent by generic request, through the electronic site of the municipal website, or in person at the Town Hall or at the branch offices in La Cala and Las Lagunas."

The deadline for submitting these proposals is 20 days from the publication of the consultation, i.e. until the 28th of August. Once the suggestions have been received, the department will draw up a first draft of the new ordinance, which will then be put on public display again, "so it will take some time to give shape to this new ordinance, as it will also have to be taken to a plenary session, so we are talking months", said the councillor. 

The aim of changing this regulation is none other than to simplify the procedures and clarify the doubts that groups and associations have when applying for a public subsidy from the Mijas Town Hall, "in short, that they have a document where they can see how the administrative management is when applying for this aid, what type of projects can receive subsidies, or differentiate between investment or current expenditure, among other aspects", concluded Marín. 

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