Weather in Mijas

Viernes 20/09/2024


Art and colour at the VIII La Cala de Mijas International Folklore Festival

  • Five dance groups from all over the world took part in this event organised by the Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía

VIII Festival Internacional de Folclore de La Cala de Mijas.

La Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía sobre el escenario.

Ambiente multicultural también entre el público.

Los asistentes disfrutaron de un gran espectáculo.

Llegada a la plaza del Torreón tras el desfile.

El grupo Ánima i poble de Xirivella, provincia de Valencia.

La Asociación Argentina Martín Fierro, desde Alhaurín de La Torre.

La compañía Flamenca Azabache de Fuengirola.

La Fundación Cultural del Himalaya, desde el Tibet.

El desfile comenzó en el bulevar de La Cala.

El grupo anfitrión, Sur de Andalucía, dirigido por la veterana Rafi Cuevas

El edil de Cultura Juan Carlos Maldonado entregó un recuerdo a cada grupo de baile de parte del Ayuntamiento.

El edil de Cultura, Juan Carlos Maldonado, junto a componentes de los cinco grupos participantes.

The Department for Culture collaborated with this initiative that took place on Saturday 3rd in the Plaza del Torreón in La Cala de Mijas

To announce that the show was about to begin, all the groups taking part in the VIII International Folklore Festival of La Cala de Mijas started a colourful parade through the seaside town. When they arrived at the Plaza del Torreón, they found a great atmosphere: many locals and visitors, who were surprised by this multicultural scene. 

The Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía had the collaboration of the Department for Culture of the Mijas Town Hall for the event. The festival was also sponsored by the Spanish National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO. Five dance groups from very different destinations performed on stage, offering the audience a very impressive show.

In addition to the host group, Sur de Andalucía, directed by the veteran Rafi Cuevas, participating this year were the group Ánima i poble from Xirivella, province of Valencia; the Asociación Argentina Martín Fierro, from Alhaurín de La Torre; the Flamenca Azabache company from Fuengirola and, from Tibet, the Himalayan Cultural Foundation. 

A multicultural meeting

The directors of the five groups welcomed the attendees. Rafi Cuevas said that she was "very happy" with the reception of this year's multicultural meeting. "Our aim is to promote the dance and folklore of the different groups, to share traditions and, why not, to meet new people and new customs, which is always very enriching", said Cuevas. 

Cuevas recalled that this festival is "an idea that started back in 1990 and was resumed, after a break, eight years ago", and has become another cultural and tourist attraction in the municipality, with greater acceptance every year.  

"The Sur de Andalucía group goes abroad to dance and then the groups come here, they are cultural exchanges that we do and this is something that enriches us a lot", said Pilar Cantos, a member of the Asociación Folclórica Sur de Andalucía. Regarding the groups, she said that "tonight we have very nice groups, but without a doubt the group coming from Tibet is the big attraction, they are attracting a lot of attention".

"This is a very beautiful experience for us, this town is beautiful, getting here has been quite an adventure and, although I have visited many countries, this one seems very warm and wonderful and I am very grateful for the invitation we have received from the group Sur de Andalucía", said the director of the Himalayan Cultural Foundation, L.P. Pontsang. 

The show lasted more than two hours at the Torreón Square in La Cala. After the show, all the groups went on stage and exchanged gifts. Also the councillor for Culture, Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), gave a souvenir to each dance group on behalf of the Town Hall and addressed a few words to the audience. 

"This event is a reflection of what Mijas is, a very multicultural municipality, where more than a hundred nationalities live together and where more than 40 percent of the population is from abroad. I would like to congratulate the organisers and say that we will continue to organise more international folklore festivals with the support of the Town Hall, we are going to make a strong commitment to consolidate this event", said the councillor. A folklore festival, therefore, that will return next summer 

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