Weather in Mijas

Jueves 24/10/2024


The 'chupinazo' kicks off the festivities of San Fermín

  • As is tradition in Mijas, the chupinazo was launched from Casa Navarra

‘Mijas, al pueblo Navarro’ es el nombre de la rotonda en homenaje a esta tierra. Aquí comenzó la festividad de San Fermín con una ofrenda floral a la bandera navarra.

La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, fue la encargada de lanzar el Chupinazo 2024.

Entre los asistentes a la fiesta no podían faltar navarros afincados en Málaga.

Carlos Herrero hizo un bonito hermanamiento entre el municipio de Mijas y el pueblo navarro.

Miembros del equipo de gobierno durante la celebración.

Los bailes típicos de la tierra los puso la Asociación Músico-Cultural Coros y Danzas de Mijas.

Los bailes típicos de la tierra los puso la Asociación Músico-Cultural Coros y Danzas de Mijas.

Los bailes típicos de la tierra los puso la Asociación Músico-Cultural Coros y Danzas de Mijas.

The festivities began with a floral tribute to the Navarrese flag at the roundabout 'Mijas, al pueblo Navarro'

The festivities of San Fermin are for sure one of the most demanded events of the year by the public from all over the world. Mijas celebrates the festivities by recreating the chupinazo (bang) that marks the beginning of this festivity. That is why, on Saturday, this special day was celebrated as is traditional in Casa Navarra.

Mijas, al pueblo Navarro' is the name of the roundabout in homage to a land that has a special place in our municipality. It is right there where, on the 6th of July, the festivity of San Fermín began with a floral offering to the Navarrese flag. The owner of Casa Navarra, Carlos Herrero, the driving force of the initiative, told us that they have been here for "37 years and we started this the first or second year we were here, but in a smaller scale, it's getting bigger every day". He gave us a preview of the programme he had prepared: "there will be a party, music and, at night, we will have the barbacue with sardines, chistorra sausage and lots of music."

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), was in charge of launching the chupinazo 2024. Before this special moment, she said that "Mijas is a town open to all cultures, to all traditions". Afterwards, Carlos Herrero made a nice twinning between the municipality of Mijas and the people from Navarre, to which the mayoress said: "From the Mijas Town Hall, we are going to support this tradition that starts this weekend also in Navarra; we join all those Navarros who are there but, above all, the Navarros who are here", said Ana Mata.

Among those attending the party were Navarrese people living in Malaga, such as Cristina Catalán, who told us that "I have been in Malaga for 22 years and I have nothing but words to express my gratitude for the welcome I received, I feel at home, I think it's a fantastic place. On this day i get a bit emotional and nostalgic but it is inevitable". 


Nobody wants to miss this festivity, marked by joy. Among the public, there were also members of all the political parties of the municipality, who did not miss the opportunity to share this day with neighbours and visitors. 'Mijas, al pueblo navarro' is certainly a good slogan to sum up how our municipality treats all those who once chose our land to settle in.

"In Mijas we care for all the different cultures, and everyone who lives here is happy. The Andalusian culture welcomes everyone", said the spokesman for Vox, Juan Carlos Cuevas Dawson.

For his part, the spokesman fro Por Mi Pueblo, Juan Carlos Maldonado thanked the people from Navarra for "their contribution, not only for their traditions, but also for the gastronomic offer they add to our municipality".

This beautiful day was filled with gratitude. The spokesman for the PSOE, Josele González, thanked "all the residents involved in the organisation of this event but especially the family of Carlos, Asier and Leire, as they are the real protagonists and the real driving force behind the celebration of San Fermín here in Mijas".

"Once again, Mijas has celebrated the 'chupinazo navarro', which attracts more people every year", said the spokesman for the PP, Daniel Gómez Teruel.

The association 'Coros y Danzas de Mijas' danced for all those present at this festivity which is celebrated in style in Mijas.



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