Weather in Mijas

Jueves 24/10/2024


A journey to our origins

Las visitas han tenido lugar el viernes 14 y el sábado 15 de junio.

La coordinadora del departamento, Desirée Piñero, explicando la visita.

Además de un recorrido por el yacimiento, los participantes tuvieron antes una charla ilustrada sobre algunos de los descubrimientos más relevantes.

El yacimiento cuenta con restos de la época fenicia y romana.

El yacimiento cuenta con restos de la época fenicia y romana.

Durante la visita las técnicos del departamento han explicado detalladamente las partes de la que se compone el yacimiento.

Detalle de uno de los hallazgos del Cortijo Acebedo.

Una de las participantes con una de las láminas explicativas.

Foto de la coordinadora del departamento junto a las técnicos del mismo.

More than a hundred people took part in the guided tours of the Cortijo Acebedo site organised by the Town Hall.

The Town Hall, through the Municipal Historical Archive, invites us to travel back in time through guided visits to the Cortijo Acebedo archaeological site. The last ones took place on the occasion of the  European Archaeology Days. For two days, each day divided into two groups, almost a hundred residents had the opportunity to get to know much more than just the archaeological heritage of Mijas. 

The coordinator of the department, Desiré Piñero explained that "the visit not only consisted of showing the results and findings of the excavation, but also explaining how the archaeological methodology works.  We show how an excavation is carried out so that they can learn how, through our work, we interpret what is then displayed here".

The councillor of the government team, Juan José Torres Trella (PP), was among the participants and stressed that in these visits you can also enjoy "the passionate way in which Alicia and Desirée tell the story of this site, they really change your perspective and your way of thinking about the site. It is very important that people know about it in order to protect it and to value what we have, because it is very precious. We have to take into account that in Andalusia there are approximately eight archaeological sites of this characteristic and quality, so it is very important that the Town Hall supports it, in fact, there is a project running until 2027 to continue excavating and seeing all that we can find here from our past", added Torres Trella. 

The initiative has been a success, as some of the participants said it is "worth visiting the area and getting to know our history, our origins". The elements found in this site reveal who and how people lived in Mijas at different times. 

Due to the interest generated among the citizens and the participation rate, the department is considering repeating the experience in the near future. 

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