Weather in Mijas

Martes 11/02/2025


The exhibition by the UP's photography workshop includes 50 works

La sala se llenó para la inauguración de la exposición.

Alumno posando junto a toda su familia.

La temática de este año fue el surrealismo.

Las obras se han colocado en bloque para ofrecer un mayor impacto.

Los alumnos orgullosos posaban junto a sus obras.

Muchos alumnos repiten año tras año en este taller.

Las obras mostraban la parte más surrealista de la realidad.

Francisco Rosado, profesor y fotógrafo de la UP.

Algunos bloques de fotografías que se exponen en Las Lagunas.

Una composición de fotografías.

Este grupo se muestra de forma lineal, rompiendo con el resto.

La concejala de la UP, Melisa Ceballos, acudió a la inauguración.

El concejal de Vox Eloy Belmonte quiso visitar la muestra.

Hipólito Zapico, concejal del PSOE, también asistió a la inauguración

Algunos de los visitantes contemplando las obras.

Mucho público asistió a la puesta de largo.

The exhibition can be visited until the end of July at the Las Lagunas Cultural Centre

The students of the UP photography workshop are exhibiting their end-of-course works. Francisco Rosado has been the teacher of the three groups, divided by level, totalling 110 students. 

As Rosado explained, the exhibition is organised by blocks, playing with design, shape and colour to make it more interesting. The exhibition includes works from all three levels, although not from all the students.  

Each year, the topic is different, and this year the chosen subject is surrealism. The exhibition presents the work of 50 students who have worked for months to achieve the final photograph. 

Juan Antonio Valle, one of the students said that "the course really surprised me, I liked it a lot. There was a good balance between theory and practice. In addition to these classes I tried to do research and things on my own".

For her part, Blanca León, one of the veterans of this workshop, said that despite the fact that she has been participating for many years, "very year I learn new things. The level of this exhibition is very good".

The photography students come back year after year, always in search of new techniques, both for editing and to learn about new equipment updates. The exhibition, which will remain in this room until the end of July, was attended by many friends and family members.

The councillor for the UP, Melisa Ceballos (PP), attended the inauguration and, expressed "I am amazed by the quality of the students. They are true professionals. The exhibition is full of genius and creativity. I invite all neighbours to visit the works".

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