Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


Foreign collectives ask for citizen collaboration through their solidarity tables

  • The Department for Foreigners in Mijas organises this event with the collaboration of different associations in the municipality

Estas mesas solidarias se instalan en la plaza de la Tenencia de Alcaldía de La Cala en horario de mañana.

Estas mesas solidarias se instalan en la plaza de la Tenencia de Alcaldía de La Cala en horario de mañana.

Estas mesas solidarias se instalan en la plaza de la Tenencia de Alcaldía de La Cala en horario de mañana.

Estas mesas solidarias se instalan en la plaza de la Tenencia de Alcaldía de La Cala en horario de mañana.

The initiative takes place in the Branch office square in La Cala on the last Wednesday and Saturday of every month

Last Saturday 25th of May the solidarity tables that are set up in La Cala de Mijas by different associations, with the aim of raising funds for their respective causes, were set up again. Organised by the Department of Foreigners of Mijas, they are held on the last Wednesday and Saturday of each month. 

Diksha, the Lions Club and Aristochat were some of the groups that came to La Cala to sell their items and raise funds. Diksha is an NGO that works to help children in India. "We ask for a 20 euros fee a month, which is not that much, but in India what you can do with 20 euros is a lot, all so that the children can have a good education, especially those who come from the poorest castes, who really have nothing and live in shacks", said Aida Herrera, a volunteer of the Diksha NGO. 

Animals were also present at these solidarity tables. On this occasion, Aristochat, an association that offers a safe home to stray cats. At their solidarity table we found all kinds of items, "we are here because we don't receive enough donations, the situation is increasingly complicated, and this year we are finding a lot of kittens on the street, we are receiving 15 or 20 calls from people who have found abandoned cats", said the president of the group, Chantal Lancelot. 

The associations Dominó and Donkey Dreamland also set up their tables at this solidarity market, which on the last Wednesday and Saturday of each month displays all the merchandise for sale. Costume jewellery, clothes or decoration complete this offer, which is supported by the Department for Foreigners of the Mijas Town Hall. 

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