Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


About 60 riders enjoy the XX Equestrian Route through the Sierra de Mijas

  • The activity covered a distance of 26 kilometres, reaching as far as El Camorro hill

La ruta fue organizada por la Concejalía de Ganadería del Ayuntamiento de Mijas en colaboración con la Peña Caballista Mijeña |

La ruta contó con un recorrido de unos 26 kilómetros |

El edil de Ganaderia, Eloy Belmonte (centro), junto al presidente de la peña, Juan López Ayala (2º dhca.) y otros miembros del equipo de gobierno |

El punto de salida fue el parque El Esparragal de Las Lagunas |

Fue una actividad que para los amantes del mundo ecuestre y del campo fue muy bonita |

Fue una actividad que para los amantes del mundo ecuestre y del campo fue muy bonita |

Fue una actividad que para los amantes del mundo ecuestre y del campo fue muy bonita |

Fue una actividad que para los amantes del mundo ecuestre y del campo fue muy bonita |

Numerosos caballitas participaron en la actividad |

Numerosos caballitas participaron en la actividad |

Tras la ruta degustaron un almuerzo en el parque |

Numerosos caballitas participaron en la actividad |

También participaron algunos coches de caballo |

The route ended in the park El Esparragal, where participants enjoyed a lunch

On Saturday 20th of April the twentieth edition of the Equestrian Route through the Sierra de Mijas took place in our municipality. The activity started from the park El Esparragal, where about 60 riders accompanied by their horses and carriages, rode along a path that reached the hill of El Camorro. The riders set off very early in the morning as a 26 kilometre ride awaited them, which, following the same route, but this time on the way back, ended in the park in Las Lagunas with a tasty lunch. 

"We went from urban centres and beaches to the countryside and nature. It is a very beautiful route and highly recommended. Much quieter, to enjoy it more, and the truth is that we recommend it to everyone," said the councillor for Livestock in Mijas Town Hall, Eloy Belmonte (Vox). For his part, the president of the Peña Caballista Mijeña, Juan López-Ayala, explained that "the route passed through the river of Fuengirola, the River of Las Pasadas, the Santiaguillo, Cortijo El Campillo, Albergue Entrerríos, Los Mercegales, the area of Cortijo de las Matanzas, where we stopped for a refreshment and for the horses to drink water, and then we continued towards El Camorro". 

The route was organised by the Department of Livestock in collaboration with the Peña Caballista Mijeña, as Mijas is one of the towns with more horses registered in Andalusia, and as stated by the mayor of Operational Services, Daniel Gómez Teruel (PP), "a town with as many horses as we have here must be promoted as it is being done, in order to publicise the town as every day more riders come and, although we have many here, people from outside are also coming". For this reason, the Operational Services department has also tidied up and cleared the paths and cleaned the water troughs and common areas. 

A spring ride

But what do horses bring to their riders: " Calm, nobility and relax. You go out one way and come back another", said Carmen Aragón. It was an activity that for lovers of the equestrian world and the countryside was very beautiful. Some participants such as Francisco de Sosa declared that "we are lucky that it rained in the last few weeks and the countryside is now all green. It is beautiful. There are lots of birds. Life has come back". This was also the opinion of another rider, Antonio Millán, who said that "the route has very beautiful views and the weather has been good too". Finally, another of the participants, Jorge Coli, said that "this has to be done more often so that it is not lost because these are our roots and in the end it is what we like, besides it is a lifestyle".

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