Weather in Mijas

Viernes 17/05/2024


The magical world of 'mijeña' Elisa Pablo sees the light for the first time in La Cala

  • This exhibition is made up of imaginative and fascinating butterflies, insects, ants and flowers

Una de las piezas de la exposición.

La autora, Elisa Pablo, junto a su madre, Encarnación Cardoso.

La muestra presenta una cuidada estética y ambientación.

Elisa Pablo junto al concejal de Cultura, Juan Carlos Maldonado.

El concejal del PP Mario Bravo también asistió a la inauguración

La muestra ofrece una experiencia de luz, sonido y aromas.

Las pequeñas piezas están elaboradas con material reciclado.

El mundo de los insectos, las plantas y flores son los protagonistas de esta exposición

Singular montaje de la exposición de pequeñas esculturas a modo de bosque encantado.

Familiares, amigos y amantes del arte acudieron a la inauguración.

Las piezas llaman la atención por su forma y tamaño.

El mundo de la fantasía se mezcla aquí con la realidad de los animales.

Sound, light, aromas and a very special setting are the main features of the exhibition

Ento', by Elisa María Pablo Cardoso, offers us an imaginary world made of second chances, as the slogan of this exhibition says. The exhibit can be enjoyed until the 26th of February at the Cultural Centre of La Cala. A magical world full of butterflies, insects, ants, bees and flowers made from recycled material that will undoubtedly surprise the viewers. 

Last Friday 26th of January saw the inauguration of the exhibition with great attendance. It is surprising as soon as you start to look at it. The staging has been carefully designed to offer a complete experience: sound, light, aromas and a special atmosphere. This is the first exhibition by this self-taught artist from Mijas, who seeks to share her vision of what recycling can offer us. Her works are made up of scraps of fabric, paper and leftover jewellery to create a new and original piece. 

The author of these original pieces says, "I've been involved in the art world for a long time. Before, I used to make drawings and things like that, but when I discovered this, I started this change". As for the recycled materials she uses, she said "I've always had fabric and bead materials, I've always loved them and I've been saving them. Suddenly on the internet I saw someone using this kind of things and I fell in love with it, I couldn't even sleep, thinking that this is what I wanted to do. Then I began to focus it in my own way and my own style. I've been working on it for about seven years now. 

The artist has been collecting pieces for years to be able to make these very personal creations, and her love of crafts and art has been with her since she was a child. The exhibition was inaugurated with a large attendance of family and friends, as well as with the institutional support of the Department for Culture. According to Juan Carlos Maldonado (PMP), councillor for the area, "this is the first time she has exhibited but it has been a great success. Many people have come to see the exhibition, many friends, yes, but also many interested in her work. The whole exhibition is very beautiful but, above all, it highlights the importance of recycling, it is a great lesson for everyone. Materials that seem to have no use anymore are given a second chance through culture and the arts". 

Elisa María Pablo dedicated the exhibition to Victoriano Pablo, and affirmed that "to work with your hands you also need your heart". Her family and friends surrounded her at the opening of her first public exhibition, highlighting her courage, sensitivity and passion for art. Her daughter, Violeta Valenzuela, was very proud of her mother's art. "It's the first time she has held an exhibition, but it doesn't seem like it, the truth is that we are very proud of her. All the nerves and excitement she has gone through until today are finally paying off. It has been many years spent on every detail, saving materials and we are very happy with her precious and meticulous work. My mother is very sensitive. What each insect represents is something of her. She is sweet, she is mysterious, she likes fantasy, nature, they are like her". The artist's mother, Encarnación Cardoso, also expressed her satisfaction with the exhibition. "Elisa is the best. She has made a great effort in this exhibition, and has been very brave in overcoming her fears. I am very proud of her". 

After the inauguration, Elisa María Pablo said "I enjoy doing this. I like the work, and I've enjoyed all the time it has taken me to create what I've brought to the exhibition. I feel that I have already succeeded because it's what I like to do".

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