Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


Firefighters Mijas extinguish a car on fire on the Sheriff Beach

  • The fire started at around 7.30 hours

The fire was declared at around 7:30 hours

The fire was declared at around 7:30 hours

The fire was declared at around 7:30 hours

The fire completely burnt the vehicle

It was a stolen car and no personal injuries were reported

At around 7.30 hours this morning a neighbour alerted about a car that was on fire in the car park of the chiringuito El Sheriff. The fire and smoke were very visible from the A-7 motorway. Two vehicles of the Mijas Fire Brigade, a corporal, five firemen and two officers of the Guardia Civil of Mijas were sent to the scene. The rapid intervention ensured that in a few minutes the car was extinguished. It was a stolen car with no occupants inside.

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