Weather in Mijas

Lunes 20/05/2024


Schools are preparing for classes carrying out disinfection and rodent control

  • The specialised company Serviplaga is in charge of the maintenance tasks
  • The councillor for Health with the Serviplaga company that is working in the schools. |

All the schools are being disinfected in preparation for the return of children to the classrooms

The schools in Mijas are getting ready for the upcoming return to classes in September. The Department for Education is finalising the disinfection, disinfestation and rat extermination plan to ensure maximum safety in schools. On the 11th of September, infant and primary school students will return to class, and this is being prepared in advance, as it normally is so that all educational facilities are ready to welcome the students. 

According to the councillor for Health and Education, Mariló Olmedo, "we are continuing to prepare the schools and we have already started with phytosanitary safety. We have started early because this year we have a holiday before school starts so we have fewer days. Insect and rodent prevention is being carried out in all nursery and primary schools and all water tanks are being cleaned and disinfected". 

All the schools have undergone maintenance work over the summer to bring them up to standard and in recent weeks the specialist company Serviplaga has been carrying out preventive work in all of them, disinfecting, disinsecting and rodent extermination is being carried out in all the buildings, as well as maintenance of the water tanks so that the return to school can be carried out with maximum safety. 

According to the company's technician, Francisco Javier Cortes, "all schools are treated and then monitored. The system consists of lifting sewers, fumigating drains, and detecting the presence of rodents. If there are, we proceed to apply a biocide. The schools are doing very well, on this occasion rodents have not appeared anywhere in the area. We haven't seen any problems". 

This action is also carried out throughout the school year during school holidays, and in the event of alerts from teachers or management teams. According to Olmedo, "we also carry out these tasks during the school year, and when we are notified of a sighting. Last school year was very good, we had no incidents, only ants in a school with gardens, and we acted immediately. We have no worries in this regard".



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