Weather in Mijas

Sábado 08/03/2025


García (PACMA): “We have red lines to lay out in the event of a possible government pact"

  • Cristina García, PACMA

The Partido Animalista con el Medio Ambiente (PACMA) is running for the first time in the municipal elections in Mijas

Mijas Weekly. At the poster pasting you said that, as a minimum, the party aspires to achieve one councillor. 

Cristina García. In Mijas, in previous elections, we had very good results. We hope for at least one councillor. 

M.W. It is a party that defends animals...

C.G. Our commitment is for them, the environment and people.

M.W. What are your proposals in Mijas?

C.G. We want to make a commitment to defend our environment. We have forests that were reduced last year with that big fire, we want to recover these green areas and stop losing them due to urban speculation. For example, the Chaparral Forest is being destroyed in its northern area for the construction of housing in a somewhat irregular manner, we believe. It is being re-zoned in a way that we do not understand on the part of the Town Hall.

M.W. And for the animals? 

C.G. The donkey-taxi and horse-drawn carriage service is a systematic exploitation of animals, which gives an anachronistic image of a municipality that is really very modern and which involves exploitation and mistreatment that we must put an end to. The animals suffer daily and the Tuk Tuk service does not require animal traction, and is viable. 

M.W. How is the campaign going? 

C.G. We are having a lot of contacts from different platforms and sectors. We are seeing a very positive response.

M.S. Would you make pacts?

C.G. The party has red lines that we will lay out in case there is a possibility of reaching a government pact or an agreement.

M.S. A message for the public?

C.G. We are dedicated to politics as a means to achieve effective proposals for the environment and all those who live in it. The only 100% animalist and 100% green vote is the vote for PACMA.

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