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Mijas destiny shine in the International Golf Travel Market

  • Mijas first day at the International Golf Travel Market |

The town wins Rome at this international fair showing its promotional actions in the golf industry

From 17th to 20th October, the city of Rome hosted the International Golf Travel Market (IGTM), an international fair for the golf industry that has been held since 1998. Mijas was present at this year’s edition to promote this fundamental sector for the town’s tourism, which helps to break the seasonality with a profile of quality tourists, placing Mijas as one of the preferred destinations for golfers.
The municipality brought to the Italian capital an attractive offer for this segment: the quality of its 12 golf courses, international competitions, climate and strategic location on the Costa del Sol.
On Mijas’ first day at the fair, the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín (Cs), with the Councillor for Sports and Town Planning, Andrés Ruiz (Cs), presented the new Mijas Golf Courses Association. “The meetings held have been productive, and we are pleased to serve as a support for our golf courses. Public-private collaboration is essential for us all to move forward and consolidate our position in this market,” said the Councillor for Tourism.
Ruiz stressed, “ although golf attracts a tourist profile of middle and high purchasing power, golf is more affordable than it may seem at first impression, so the Council is to promote its practice in the municipality”.
During the second day in Rome, the Councillors reported on the promotional activities of the destination ‘Mijas’, where a warm welcome, especially from the Central and Northern European countries, stands out. “We have held meetings with tour operators specialising in golf in the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The response has been positive,” said Martín. 

  • The Tourism and Sports Councillors, José Carlos Martín and Andrés Ruiz, respectively, with the Tourist Office Director, Juan Carlos Acevedo, in Rome |

First day
On Tuesday, 18th October, José Carlos Martín, Andrés Ruiz and members of the Tourism delegation travelled to Rome to promote the ‘Mijas’ brand in the golf segment. The town participated in this fair with a stand to promote the tourist destination within this industry. According to the Councillors, the meetings held with the tour operators have been fruitful and productive. “We are pleased to serve as a support to our golf courses that, if they wish, can make use of our space for business meetings and meetings,” said the First Deputy Mayor. “In addition to all these national and international promotional activities carried out by the Sports Department,” said Ruiz, “this sport is being promoted among all ages.

Second day
During the second day of Mijas at the IGTM, on Wednesday, 20th October, the Councillors highlighted a warm welcome from the Central and Northern European countries, thanks to “the quality of our golf courses and the facilities we offer through our new website,” said Martín. These sending countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Holland, and Denmark) have a common factor in their golfers’ profile, and it is, as they unanimously emphasised, “the mild and warm climate that their sportsmen and women seek in the autumn and winter months”, added the Councillor. Likewise, one of the Tourism allies in this fair has been La Zambra hotel’s opening. The hotel and its high-end accommodation offer open a new door to clients with a high economic profile who usually require activities such as golf. “This event is essential to promote our products,” said the hotel’s commercial director, Salim Assem. He pointed out that “the hotel has a locker area for golfers, and a ‘ Caddy Master’ and ‘buggies’ are available to La Zambra’s guests”.

Golf events
In addition to the Mijas tourist offer, national and international golf events hosted by the town are another attraction for potential visitors. “We are a unique meeting point for golf lovers. Outstanding tournaments such as the Real Madrid Foundation circuit or the Club Series Golf have recently taken place in our town, which is already awaiting the International Pairs. This means we are on the map of major sporting events, and will continue to bet on it,” said Ruiz.
Thus, the Mijas delegation has also contacted different international tournament organisers within the IGTM to continue working in this line. “Tourism and sport are a star combination in Mijas. Golf is a popular sport”, concluded the Councillor.

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