Ever since the Mijas Town Council's Department of Equality and Diversity presented Elsa Punset's talk on Monday, the 19th, at the Las Lagunas Theatre, there was a great expectation. All predictions were fulfilled, and the capacity was met. It is a privilege to speak to an audience, to people who have been waiting for many hours. They have also asked clever and affectionate questions. I always give interactive talks, and they have participated to the full, so it has been a delight", said the communicator at the end of her lecture to this newspaper.
"It was an unforgettable afternoon. I was really looking forward to having a real teacher of life like Elsa Punset. She has achieved what I expected, which was to fill the municipal theatre to receive so many people from the municipality and beyond," said the Councillor for Equality and Diversity, Natalia Martínez (PSOE), who was pleased with the "full house" of the theatre.
Residents from the municipality and from all over the province attended the event. "I have no words for Elsa Punset. I've been queuing at the door since early this afternoon," said one attendee, Tonina Jarcem. "Elsa Punset's father was a great figure who did much for the country. His daughter Elsa, the little I have read of what she has written interests me, and I think today is an excellent opportunity to meet her", said another attendee, Gregorio Calleja.

- The speaker signed books at the end of her talk.
Improvement Tips
Under the title, 'Strong, free and nomadic. Tips for living extraordinary times', is her September 2020's book. Punset gave a dynamic talk full of positive energy. The writer is one of the Spanish-speaking world's leading figures in the promotion of emotional intelligence promotion as a tool for intelligent optimism. Punset assures us that we are in a constant process of change and, as he expressed in a video he projected for the presentation of his talk, "we are not only fed by what we eat, but also by what we think, what we hear, and what we feel".
"We are emotional creatures. We have always been told that we are rational, but at the core of everything we do, think, and feel are emotions. What makes us walk every day is an emotion", said the lecturer. Punset assures us that we must take care of ourselves in order to take care of the earth. "What we do to others we do to ourselves. There is not one health for humans and another for the rest of the world. We are one and we have to start living like that", said Punset, who is also a journalist.
It is time for a change
For many people, Elsa Punset was an injection of optimism in times of the pandemic. "I love her and I love her positive message about life and how to face it. She has helped me a lot in these times of pandemic when we've really had a bad time," said one of those attending the talk, Margarita Vera. "This talk has been extraordinary, it has been fantastic to meet Elsa. I followed her father, and now I have to follow her", added another attendee, Chus Butron.
"After listening to Punset, I left with the idea of trying to improve as a person, a little bit, to reflect on our day-to-day lives", said another woman in the audience, Carmen Jiménez. "I take with me the smiles of so many people who I know. Elsa has made us reflect on all these ideas in these extraordinary times but at the same time, they are useful for our entire life. I hope that we are in a position to practise them in our daily lives", added Martínez.
According to Punset, the pandemic has marked a before and after for everyone. "I think the pandemic has been a wake-up call for many people. In fact, the number of people doing activism and volunteering has shot up. I think that, suddenly, we see something different and we see that change is possible. If we want to, we can change the world quickly. We were always told that it's not possible, that change is slow, and it's not true. It is changing the way we work, the way we live, and the way we relate to each other. It is extraordinary. These are extraordinary times", the speaker reflected.
"While we are alive we grow and change", said the writer. She assures us that we should not be afraid of change and advises that those who want to improve their lives should start by making very small, achievable and real changes. Set yourself habits that you are going to stick to. Punset showed herself to be in love with optimism and the search for good luck. He invited the audience to spread positive emotions as much as they can. And the result can be seen in everyday life. "It's not magic," he concluded, "it's emotional intelligence".

- The Councillor for Equality and Diversity, Natalia Martínez (PSOE), Elsa Punset and The Councillor Verónica Ensberg |
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