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Mijas Town Council allocated 80,000 euros for 250 Adimi users’ care

  • Among the projects financed, with this aid, the creation of a multisensory classroom stands out
  • The Mijas Mayor, Josele González, and the Social Services Councillor, Hipólito Zapico, visit the centre to take stock of the services provided to the group

The Mijas Mayor, Josele González, and the Social Services Councillor, Hipólito Zapico, visit the centre to take stock of the services provided to the group

This week, the Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), together with the Councillor for Social Services, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE), began visits to social groups in the municipality to take stock of the aid that the City Council allocated to these entities in 2021.

This morning, the Councillor and the Social Services Head Department visited the Mijas Association for People with Disabilities’ Headquarters, which serves 250 users and which last year, received 80,000 euros from the Town Hall for its numerous services, including early care, the occupational day centre and the daycare unit. These visits have a twofold objective: "Firstly," said González, "we would like to highlight the Town Council commitment and aid that they have been deploying over the last two years in a complex situation, especially from a health point of view, where these groups have also been harmed from an economic point of view". And, on the other hand, the purpose of these meetings "is to start planning for the current year. We want to contact to find out which projects may be interesting to subsidise and also to see what their economic projections are going to be", added the Mayor.

About Adimi, the City Council "has contributed 80,000 euros for 2021, to different projects of the group, including one that we are very excited about: the multisensory classroom", Zapico pointed out. Likewise, from the Social Services area, they highlighted having "a close relationship with Adimi for being a leading centre in Andalusia. They are focused on disability and functional diversity, relying on their advice and consensus to develop internal management rules of the City Council itself. As the new ordinance of functional diversity is already approved, it will be applied in the new grants, and that will favour more people with a greater degree of dependence," he added. Of these 80,000 euros, 60,000 went to the daily running of the centre, 5,000 to the employment project, and 15,000 to the multisensory classroom which is about to open its doors.

For his part, the President of the association, Cristóbal Moreno, stressed "the support received last year, as well as everyone else. Mijas Town Hall is always very supportive of social entities and, above all, of Adimi. Thanks to the City Council, we were able to finish the year by starting new projects, including the multisensory room," he concluded.

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