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Mijas celebrates Local Police Day with the presentation of distinctions

  • The Teatro Las Lagunas has once again witnessed the celebration of the feast of St. Michael, patron saint of the Local Police
  • The mayor, members of the corporation and authorities, together with the 19 officers awarded with the crosses |

During the gala, three Police Merit Crosses with a blue badge, and 16 with white badge were awarded and officers, institutions and citizens were congratulated

The Teatro Las Lagunas has once again witnessed the celebration of the feast of St. Michael, patron saint of the Local Police. During the gala, held on Thursday 4th, the awards for police merit were presented, and officers were congratulated for their involvement in major policy interventions over the last year. 
"Today, we offer the awards, our congratulations and thanks to members of the Local Police and other entities that collaborate with public safety in our municipality as Guardia Civil, Acosol or even citizens who during this year have had special prominence in a police action of reference," said the alderman Mijeño, Josele González (PSOE), who wanted to value "the vocation and public service carried out by our local police with impeccable professionalism. It is also a task that, in many cases, is little recognised or visible, but which is finally reflected in the thousands of calls resolved each year by our local police". 

  • The mayor, members of the corporation and authorities, with the officers congratulated for their interventions |

In the last plenary session in October, Mijas approved the awarding of Police Merit Crosses with a blue badge, for more than 30 years of service, to three officers of the Mijas Local, and the awarding of white badges for more than 20 years of service to 16 other police officers. 
Among those who received the white badge, was the Chief Intendant of the Local Police, Juan Manuel Rosas, who said he felt "very fortunate to have been in the police for 20 years, and in Mijas, one of the best places to carry out the profession of local police". 
During the ceremony, numerous officers of the Mijas Local Police, who are currently made up of 150 officers, were also congratulated for their work. In his speech, the mayor pointed out that the challenges for the future include "increasing the number of police units and optimising the equipment so that they have better material to carry out their work". 
In addition to those honoured, the event was attended by various members of the municipal corporation and "the commissioners of Marbella and Fuengirola", said González. 

Political representatives of the municipal corporation also conveyed words of gratitude to the Local Police officers. "From the Ciudadanos group we want to thank, on behalf of all residents, the exceptional work done by this security force, a work that benefits the rest of society," said the spokesman of the orange group, José Carlos Martín. Similarly, the spokesman for the PSOE Mijeño, Roy Perez, wanted to "congratulate all officers and show our pride in this police force, which ensures our safety and remains on the streets watching so that everything goes well at all times. 
They all agreed that the public must also collaborate with the local officers to make their work more efficient. "Everyone must report when we see an abandoned vehicle or a possible theft, among other cases, so that the police can do their job, and we all feel supported by them", said the councillor of the PP in Mijas, Mario Bravo. 

During the event, the video 'El vínculo' (The link), an audiovisual work made by Mijas Comunicación, was also screened, in which the close relationship between citizens and the officers who come to their aid is shown to the public. The gala, together with this video, will be broadcast on Monday 8th, from 23:00 hours, on Mijas 3.40 TV.  

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