Weather in Mijas



Mijas avoids the overcrowding of its beaches using capacity drones

  • During the month of July, the Mijas coast has welcomed 3,200 users on average per day along its 14 kilometres
  • Los visitantes y vecinos que quieran acercarse a las playas mijeñas pueden consultar los datos de afluencia en la web municipal

As well as three drones, ten controllers watch over the security measures

Complying with safety distances and without overcrowding. In this way, 96,841 people enjoyed the Mijas beaches during July. The councillor responsible for the department, José Carlos Martín (Cs), announced the figures on Monday 23rd, which represent an average influx of 3,200 users per day along the 14 kilometres of the municipality’s coastline. “Our capacity control measures through our three drones have borne fruit again this year and we have managed not to overcrowd our beaches and maintain homogeneity along the coast. At no time has any of the areas collapsed and we have been able to enjoy them with complete safety”, said the councillor. Through the municipal website,, you can consult the data on the influx of the beaches. There the updated percentage of occupancy is indicated, “and users can choose whether or not they want to go to a more crowded beach or look for one that is less full, having that possibility and that guarantee before they decide to move”, they assured from the Local Council. “This system has allowed the people who have come to the coast of Mijas to know in advance the status of the beaches, thus giving them the opportunity to choose. Obviously, in August we continued with this service that is proving to be so functional for the good development and the guarantee of safety of our beaches”, added Martín. Not only is the capacity regulated thanks to the work of the drones. The councillor recalled that Mijas has ten controllers to monitor that interpersonal security measures are met and that the separation of a metre and a half between towels among different family units is respected. “The department’s effort to prevent and fight COVID-19 has been outstanding. All this has given us a boost in this tourist segment, making our municipality an example to follow at the national level”, assured the councillor.

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