Weather in Mijas

Jueves 02/05/2024


Mijas exceeds 7,000 Rescue and Lifeguard actions in June and July

  • During the first part of the summer there are no serious accidents to regret
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Martín highlights "the safety of the Mijas coastline" as well as "the constant effort to ensure compliance with the anti covid measures"

The Beaches councillor, José Carlos Martín (Cs), took stock of the first two summer months of the Rescue and Lifeguard service provided by the Socorrismo Málaga company. "During these two months of June and July, the increase in actions and incidents in the month of July compared to June is reflected. Obviously that has to do with the greater influx of tourists during this last month on our beaches, which has been much higher than in June when the season was starting", Martín reported to the media at the La Cala Branch Offices. The person in charge of Beaches also added: "with regard to incidents registered, the figure reaches the 7,108, the most numerous being the one referring to non-compliance with the municipal ordinance and preventive anti covid measures”.

In this regard, Martín pointed out that "it is a priority for the department that not only the rules against the virus are respected, but also the rest of the regulations for proper use and coexistence on the coast, especially when it comes to prevention" because, he added, the numbers reflect that "in this area there have been 4,918 incidents, most of them regarding the virus, the condition of the sea, and the warning flags".

In the same way, this service has registered 1,553 sanitary attentions provided, of which 748 have been for wounds, jellyfish stings or burns. In this section, it is worth highlighting the 20 services provided with an ambulance “that have not been serious but do show the added confidence and security that users enjoy thanks to having this vehicle exclusively for our beaches this season. For now, we do not have to regret, fortunately, any serious events", added José Carlos Martín.

As for the municipal ordinance, the breaches of the prohibition of dogs on beaches and swimming in the sea when there is a red or yellow flag raised, remain approximately the same as in June.



El edil de Playas, José Carlos Martín, durante el balance de Socorrismo y Salvamento.

Adapted beaches

Another of the characteristics for which Mijas has recently stood out is for the quality of its beaches adapted to persons with reduced mobility, whose four enclaves have the 'Universal Accessibility' certification. "It is not only about the infrastructures and services suitable for these users, but also about the personalized attention they receive from our Rescue and Lifeguard professionals' “, said the councillor.

For his part, the coordinator of Socorrismo Málaga in Mijas, Gonzalo Botta, clarified that “with regard to being able to swim in the adapted areas, it is a very important issue for us and we work hard to make sure that our users can get to the water and enjoy it safely”.

Martín described some of the actions in these access points, where in the months of June and July 543 users have been able to enjoy all kinds of services.

Other incidents

Among other Rescue and Lifeguard incidents, it is worth highlighting 64 minor and 1 moderately dangerous aquatic rescues. Likewise, the lifeguard drone has carried out 148 reconnaissance flights, 48 ​​preventive and 580 counting flights, with no rescues so far. In addition, "this helps users to reach beaches where they can be more comfortable and have easier access", added Botta.

Likewise, it should be noted that Mijas has reinforced its beaches again this summer with controllers of measures against the virus, having issued 1,330 notices in these months of June and July to maintain the Anti Covid Contingency Plan.

Positive balance

“We are satisfied with the work that is being carried out, since, to date, we have not had any serious incident that we have had to solve. That, on the one hand, is a consequence of the work carried out by this service and the professionalism and means we have to solve incidents and, also, the respect for the regulations shown by residents and visitors", said Martín, who also wanted to "state his thanks for the work that is being carried out by both the Rescue and Lifeguard company and the staff of the Department of Beaches in this complicated year”.

In general, the balance of these first two months of summer is positive, although the increase in tourists during the month of August will foreseeably increase, they say, the number of incidents. They therefore make "a very positive balance of these two months of June and July and also thank the users for understanding and making good use of the beaches on our coastline", concluded the coordinator of Socorrismo Málaga.

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