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Sábado 28/09/2024


Payment to suppliers amounting to 600,000 euros is approved

  • The July plenary session was held on Wednesday 28th.

The government team gave the green light to the payment of extrajudicial files for a value of 40,272 euros

The ordinary plenary session approved the payment of invoices for a total value of 602,047 euros. These expense recognition files included an item of 430,071 euros from the Operative Services area; 13,788 euros corresponding to the Fire Station; and 117,914 euros from the Mobile Park. Likewise, the government team gave the green light to the payment of extrajudicial files for a value of 40,272 euros, as specified by the councillor for the Treasury, Roy Pérez (PSOE). In this regard, in order to continue with its processing, as stated by the councillor for Operative Services, José Carlos Martín (Cs), and to proceed with the payment to suppliers, the resolution of 15 expenditure files were presented to the plenary session. This item was approved with the votes in favour of PSOE and Cs and the votes against of the PP and the non-attached councillors, Carlos Rivero and Esperanza Jiménez.

Three Fire Department inspection reports were also put to a vote. The files, worth 13,788 euros, were related to the payment of the rent of the building. The councillor of the PP, Mario Bravo, said that “the government team has skipped the regulations” for the rental of this building for three months, and criticized the “lack of interest” for seven years.

Pérez stressed that “this file was delayed for reasons not attributable to the Local Council, since there was a provision foreseen in the budget”. The item was approved with the votes in favour of PSOE and Cs, the votes against of the PP and the non-attached councillors.

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