“Inmortal aquel paisaje cubierto de pájaros, parvada luminosa de instantáneas que habrán de recomponer el trino de los cielos'' (Immortal is the landscape covered with birds, luminous flock of stills that must recompose the trill of the heavens). This is a fragment of one of the 22 verses that can be seen on the walls of streets and squares in Mijas Village since last week. On Sunday, June 6th, Beatriz Russo, author of the poem, enjoyed this poetic route, launched by the Department for Culture of the Mijas Town Hall. “For me it is wonderful'', the poet stressed, “first, due to the fact that poetry is taken out on to the streets, because for me it is an absolutely necessary initiative so that people can live with the poems and, second, because it looks beautiful; the verses integrate perfectly with the village walls''.
This initiative seeks to promote culture and bring poetry closer to residents and tourists. Those interested in following this poetic route can pick up a poetry book with the complete poems at the Folk Museum in Mijas. In addition, "we provide guides where those interested can visit the areas of Mijas Pueblo where they will find the poems", explained the councillor for the department, Verónica Ensberg (PSOE), adding that this programme was created to "take the verses in these poems out of the pages and place them on the walls of our municipality to encourage reading and writing”.
Meet Beatriz Russo
Beatriz Russo, born in Madrid with a degree in Hispanic Philology, has spent a whopping 20 years expressing her ideas by putting pen to paper. Although she originally chose to write novels, she has already published nine poetry books and she appears in several poetic anthologies and manages cultural issues. Therefore, the verse chosen to be read in Mijas Pueblo appears in her book ‘La llama inversa' (The inverse flame). The author assured that, although she is now finishing her first novel, "poetry is something I carry within".
‘Focus on Mijas’
Initially, it is planned that these verses, printed on vinyl, will remain on the village walls until the end of June, although there is a possibility that the initiative will continue throughout summer and could be extended to the other nuclei in Mijas. Likewise, it was one of the subjects chosen to be photographed in the XII cultural photo marathon ‘Focus on Mijas’, which was also held last Sunday. Both Russo and Ensberg, and the entire Department for Culture, invite everyone to enjoy this route in which getting closer to poetry is available to all.
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