Weather in Mijas

Lunes 23/09/2024


Mijas cedes to the ‘Junta’ a plot of land to enlarge the IES La Cala

  • The following step now is the acceptance of the land by the Regional Government
  • Panoramic photograph of IES La Cala

The plot has an area of almost 11,000 square metres and is intended to alleviate the problem of the lack of places for schooling in Secondary Education in

The Local Council in Mijas announced this week the approval in the Local Government Board of the assignment of a municipal plot of almost 11,000 square metres for the Ministry of Education of the Regional Government in Andalusia to carry out the expansion of the IES (Secondary School) La Cala. The following procedures to take place will be the acceptance of the land by the Andalusian Administration, the drafting of the project and the execution of the work. This was announced on Friday 7th by the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), who stated that “we are talking about a process that, we hope, will be as short as possible as regards time but has to be subject to a series of administrative procedures that are absolutely necessary, but in some way they show the commitment that this government team has to resolve the problems of schooling, which the educational community has been claiming, both the Ampas (Parent’s associations) and the Federation of Ampas in the surroundings and that we have always listened to at the Town Hall and we have acted as a transmission vehicle with the ‘Junta de Andalucía’, specifically, with the territorial delegation of Education in Malaga”.

The plot assigned by the Mijas Town Hall includes the almost 5,000 square metres that the high school already built occupies, plus another almost 6,000 that will be destined to the expansion of the centre. “As from the beginning this plot was not formally assigned to the Regional Government, we have taken advantage of this step to give them the entire plot and, in the meantime, we have worked on all the reports, which is the bureaucratic process for the formal assignment, and we have sent to the ‘Junta de Andalucía’ all the information on the plot, topographic plans... In order to move the paperwork forward and carry out the project as soon as possible”, highlighted the councillor for Heritage and Town Planning in the Mijas Town Hall, Andrés Ruiz (C’s). With the expansion of this school, according to the councillor for Education, Mariló Olmedo (C’s), “the centre will be doubled in size, so the lack of school places and the problems of schooling in Secondary Schools in La Cala will be alleviated”.

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