Weather in Mijas

Lunes 23/09/2024


All is now ready to promote Mijas in Fitur 2021

  • Less than a year ago, it was hardly possible to imagine that Fitur, the Madrid International Tourism Fair, could be held in 2021
  • The councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín, and the mayor Josele González, reported last Tuesday about the offer that Mijas will present at Fitur 2021

Mijas goes to Madrid to highlight three of our main tourist segments: the sun and the beach, golf and the mountains under the motto ‘Start to live again’

Less than a year ago, it was hardly possible to imagine that Fitur, the Madrid International Tourism Fair, could be held in 2021. However, the Madrid event resurfaces as if it were the Phoenix and from May 19th to 23rd it opens the doors of IFEMA to welcome professionals in the tourism sector and become the first face-to-face international tourism fair after the outbreak of COVID. It will be a meeting of global importance in which Mijas cannot be absent and for which the Town Hall has developed the campaign ‘Mijas, a safe destination in the open air’.
This is a tourism project marked by the pandemic and that both the mayor, Josele González (PSOE) and the councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín (Cs), will present in Madrid to highlight the value of the Mijas beaches in which health safety measures have not been spared, golf courses and hiking trails through the natural surroundings of the town. In short, three segments that are carefully maintained and that allow you to enjoy, as the local government team recalls, a quality vacation with all the health guarantees.
Segments among which the coves of Mijas and its coastal path continue to stand out. “The colleagues from the Beaches area have been working from minute one to fine-tune our coastline for this summer, so that it continues to be a benchmark with those nine ‘Q’ for Quality flags, the three blue flags and the ISO 14001 flag. Everything that makes us a differentiating element within the Costa del Sol”, valued the mayor In this way, the Mijas delegation will be in charge of transferring to the professionals who visit Fitur, the Mijas tourism strong points, adapted to the new circumstances. “The main message that we want to convey, and that will be supported by the work we have been doing over the last year, is that Mijas is a safe destination and that you can come here with peace of mind to enjoy all that we have to offer”, stressed Martin on Tuesday. For this reason, the Mijas promotional campaign will include a very consistent slogan in these times of pandemic, “Start to live again”.

Hiking routes

During this fair, the new network of trails in the Sierra de Mijas will also be presented and emphasis will be placed once again on a sector that continues to gain weight in our municipality: golf. “That is where we are going to pay special attention, without forgetting the rest of the segments, but we understand that, in the post-COVID era that will accompany us this summer, these segments will be attractions in our municipality”, explained the councillor for Tourism. According to the González, after months of confinement and perimeter closures, everyone wants to start to live and travel as before. “Both national and international tourists are eager to return to our shores, and that is why we want to send a positive message of how necessary the presence of Mijas is at this tourism fair, especially this year, when it is so important to boost the economy and our main market”, said the mayor.

Fitur development

As in previous editions, Mijas will be promoted at Fitur on the stand of the Costa del Sol. It will be a key edition for the tourism market since practically all destinations start from scratch. According to the mayor, there is a lot of competition, but Mijas has done much work in this area. “I think that working in the Costa del Sol context brings us all together, but, at the same time, each municipality has to do its job to provide a tourist offer according to the quality levels that tourists seek”, explained González. For his part, Martín said that, in addition to being a good showcase to publicize the attractions of our destination, attendance at Fitur is also essential and necessary to close agreements and meetings with professionals in the sector. “These meetings with tour operators are essential because they are the ones who truly manage the tourist packages that they then transfer to their clients. And, obviously, we want our municipality to be part of those priority offers”, assured the councillor for Tourism.

Security guarantees

In short, the main objective of the Mijas delegation in Fitur is to be able to transmit the reality of the city in terms of security guarantees against COVID, as well as the main outdoor offers, which are complemented by other key segments in our municipality such as the typical white village, sports, crafts or gastronomy, which can be enjoyed in the restaurants of the municipality.

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