Weather in Mijas

Viernes 25/10/2024


Soroptimist donates 1,000 euros in oil and milk to Nueva Cultura del Desarrollo

  • The German foundation HBH Stiftung has also collaborated in this donation
  • Desde Soroptimist son conscientes de que los precios de los alimentos de primera necesidad se han encarecido mucho en el mercado.

Nearly 150 families in vulnerable situations will receive these basic goods

Thanks to the fundraising of Soroptimist International and the German foundation HBH Stiftung, of Helene and Bonnik Hansen, a long awaited donation was made last Wednesday to the Asociación Nueva Cultura del Desarrollo, 1.000 euros in oil and milk, two basic good for families in need in Mijas. 

"I would like to thank Soroptimist and this couple who have a company in Germany but live in Mijas and who, as every year, collaborate with our association by donating milk and oil", said the secretary of the association, Rosa Planelles. 

147 families will receive these donated products, they are people at risk of social exclusion. "We have been working with this association for years, they have a very nice president and Rosa, who is always present in everything we organise, and we asked them what they needed right now and they told us oil and milk", explained the president of Soroptimist International, Daphne Theunissen. 


These are basic goods whose prices have risen sharply on the market, making them difficult to obtain for those who are going through a hard time. "These are people like you and me, people who have a salary, but if one of them is unemployed there is already a problem because nowadays in order to survive they have to earn two salaries at home and there are more and more expenses with the children, with education...", Planelles said.  

Many of these families live a normal life but can't make ends meet or can't pay their bills.  Food Banks and associations support them with donations such as the one made by Soroptimist, about a thousand euros in milk and oil.

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