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Viernes 20/09/2024


The university bus from Mijas to Teatinos will start the afternoon service on Monday 23rd

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The bus will depart from Mijas Pueblo at 13.20 hours and from the Ford roundabout at 13.30 hours, the departure from Teatinos will be at 21.00 hours

Once again this year, the Mijas Town Hall is offering the university bus service in the afternoons to the students of the University of Malaga. This was announced on Wednesday by the mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), and the councillor for Urban Mobility, Marco Cortés (PP). It will be next Monday 23rd of September when this bus, the line 114, will start operating, thus complementing the morning service.

"We have many students who do not have a vehicle yet, they are in the process of getting their driving licence or they are also becoming aware of the need to use public transport, therefore, from the Mijas Town Hall we are going to offerall those university students from Mijas, the possibility of getting to the different faculties by public bus", explained the mayoress.

For his part, the councillor for the area, argued that "unlike the students who had classes in the mornings, those who had to go in the afternoons could not go by bus, so we got down to work to extend this service, which we have been offering since last year". 

  • La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, esta mañana. |

The timetable will be the same as in previous years. According to Cortés, ‘at around 13:20 hours the bus leaves Mijas Pueblo and goes to the roundabout at the Ford in Las Lagunas, about 10 minutes later, that is, around 13:30 hours.Tthe journey will take about 40-45 minutes, because on the Costa del Sol it always depends on the traffic conditions. The journey will take about 40-45 minutes, because on the Costa del Sol it always depends on the traffic conditions. In this way, the bus will arrive at Teatinos, to the different stops netx to each faculty, and the journey back will be at 21:00 hours. In other words, it will arrive at the Ford roundabout at around 21.30 hours and at Mijas Pueblo at approximately 22.00 hours.

  • El concejal de Movilidad Urbana, Marco Cortes, delante de la parada de la rotonda de la Ford. |

With this service, the Town Hall maintains its commitment to public transport and will involve an investment of 58,000 euros. For the students, the price of each journey will be around 60 cents. To conclude, the mayoress made an appeal: "I would like to encourage all those students who are beginning their university studies and who are continuing their university studies, to use public transport".



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