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Suspiros de Cuatro Patas sets up shade in its shelter thanks to Soroptimist

  • The international collective present on the Costa del Sol has donated 600 euros so that the shelter can install fabric and reed covers
  • Por parte de Suspiros de Cuatro Patas, esta donación ha supuesto la solución a un problema que venían arrastrando desde hace años.

With their help, the dogs in the shelter will be able to spend the hot summer in a more pleasant way

In summer, all shade is little to protect us from the sun. So far, the dogs in the animal shelter Suspiros de Cuatro Patas  did not have areas away from the sun, but the shade is now a reality thanks to the donation made by the fundation Soroptimist International Costa del Sol which, although it mainly supports people, in this case has decided to help the shelter, located in Las Lagunas. "We got to know the work Suspiros de Cuatro Patas was doing through a friend who volunteers at the shelter, and we were very impressed with everything they do there", said Daphne Theunissen, the president of Soroptimist International Costa del Sol, who also explained that "the first idea was to plant more trees, but it would take a long time for them to grow and provide shade, so we looked for alternative ways to create shade so that the dogs can be protected from the sun when the temperatures rise", she said.

  • La sombra ya es una realidad gracias a la donación realizada por la fundación Soroptimist Internacional Costa del Sol.

For Suspiros de Cuatro Patas, this donation was a solution to a problem they suffered for years. "All help is good, but when it is a major help, it fills our hearts. In this case, we are going to invest the money in shade for our dogs, by putting fabric and reed covers over their kennels", said Valeria Brasca, a member of the association. 

The Suspiros volunteers decided how to carry out the work so that the results would be optimal. "A half-shade has been placed on a small fence and also on top of all the kennels where the puppies are housed", said Brasca. 

Volunteers wanted

Suspiros de Cuatro Patas is in permanent need of volunteers to walk the dogs, as well as foster homes and people who want to adopt a dog, as long as they can guarantee that the animals will be in good hands and will receive proper care. People interested in supporting the shelter can visit their website and Facebook profile. 

Soroptimist International Costa del Sol is part of a global NGO with more than 65,000 members in 122 countries, all of whom are professional women who want to help, empower, train and educate women and children. You can find out more about them at or on their Facebook page. 

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