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The Europa Municipal Nursery School in La Cala has a new multisensory space

  • La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata, junto a la edil de Educación, Melisa Ceballos, responsables del centro y padres y madres en el nuevo aula.

It is aimed at children from 0 to 3 years old, including those with specific educational needs

The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), accompanied by the councillor for Education, Melisa Ceballos (PP), the pedagogical director of the Municipal Nursery School Europa, Fabiola Toro, and members of the board and families, inaugurated on Thursday morning the new multi-sensory area of this centre in La Cala. t is a space where children "can develop their abilities and enhance their social, emotional, motor and cognitive skills through discovery, sensations, perception skills and sensory integration and do it, moreover, in a playful way", emphasize from the centre. 

The new room has different games and elements divided into six areas, one for each sense, that is, sight, hearing, smell and touch - taste, for food safety reasons, will be worked on in each classroom -, as well as a fifth area for proprioceptive ability, which allows us to perceive the location, movement and action of the parts of the body. All are designed and equipped to facilitate child interaction and meaningful learning. The place is also adapted so that children with specific educational support needs (SEN) can make use of it. 

"Through their senses, children learn more about the world around them. With this multisensory classroom, this knowledge and discovery of the environment is enhanced, as it allows them to explore new sounds, textures, images, smells... Learning is more complete and fun for them. They will improve and boost their cognitive abilities, their language, interaction and coordination, so the opening of this service is great news", explained Mata, who congratulated the centre for this great initiative.

First visits 

The pedagogical director, together with professionals from the school, organised a tour of the new classroom for those present and listed the characteristics of each sensory corner. "We are very happy because today, finally, we are inaugurating this project which is intended for children with special needs as well as for the rest of the kids. We believe that it is very important to work on the senses from a very early age, in this case, from 0 to 3 years old, which is the stage we are covering". 

In the visual area, brightly coloured objects such as luminous fibres, bubble columns and a planetarium have been placed. The hearing area is equipped with objects and tools with music and sounds, such as musical boxes and instruments, while the smell area contains different types of air fresheners, dry leaves, oils and aroma diffusers. The space for stimulating the sense of touch is equipped with a ball pool, paths, murals and different sensory panels with different textures, among other objects, while the sense of taste will be worked on in each classroom, as greater control is necessary, given that the children are at an evolutionary stage in which allergies and intolerances are appearing, which means that precautions must be taken.  "It is important to emphasise specific work in this regard, taking into account the nutritional needs of each child, as well as their possible allergies and intolerances", said the mayoress.

The spaces also include a proprioceptive corner, which contains elements such as a rocking chair and a multifunctional cube, and what the centre calls "the crown jewel", the room with black light and neon colours. "It's really cool, we have fluorescent paint that with the black light is incredible, we have the jellyfish with a mirror on top, the light table and then we have a relaxation area in this room, a mat with coloured fibre that helps the children to relax, which is another of the objectives of this room", said Ana Lebrón, member of the management team of the Nursery Europa, who has been in charge of explaining in detail each element of the multisensory room. In addition to the senses, this room works on other very important aspects of the children's education, "we have areas to work on gross motor skills and proprioceptive motor skills", added the educator. 


The opening of the multi-sensory classroom was attended by a large number of parents. "I thought it was marvellous, they are going to enjoy it a lot", said Sofía Laínez, mother of Thiago, who is only one and a half years old, who took part in the guided tour, and who said that "it is fantastic to have it, it has a lot of experiences for them, I love it". For his part, Diego García, father of two little ones who also attend the centre, Felipe, who turns three in August, and Arturo, who has just turned one, said that the class was "very interesting, very fun, it makes you want to be a child too. I really liked the dark room with the lights and the fluorescent paints, I put myself in the role of the children and it must be amazing". About the centre, Diego added that "I am very happy with the centre and all the staff here". 

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